She was. God help us both, she was.

I hoisted myself up and thrust inside her, my cock a heat-seeking missile that would not be denied. Her hands grasped my shoulders as I rode her, hard and fast. She started to come, whimpering beneath me. I cursed, knowing I was about to follow her.

Just then, all hell broke lose downstairs. We froze as footsteps came barreling up the stairs. I heard Lucky and someone telling him to knock first.

Thank Christ, I locked the door.

“Open up!”

“No,” I growled. “Fuck off.”

“It’s not a good time,” Suzanna offered sweetly.

A muted giggle from outside.

“Sorry to bother you, but we just got news from Cain,” Donnie said. It sounded like half the club was standing outside the fucking door!

“Yeah?” I asked, afraid to move. Hell, I was afraid to breathe. I was so close to coming.

“Congrats, you guys! Douche Canoe is in federal custody!”

Suzanna and I stared into each others’ eyes.

“Okay, we are going now!” Sally called out. Noisy footsteps headed down the stairs. But I could tell someone was still standing out there.

“Lucky, go downstairs!”

I heard him snicker and then leave. I stared at Suzanna.

“Everything is going to be okay,” I said.

“Yes,” she answered, slipping her arms around my neck. “Yes, it is.”

She circled her hips restlessly against me and that was it. My cock went off like a rocket. I howled like a fucking wolf as my hips thrust wildly out of tempo. Suzanna was coming with me too.

It was much later when I tiptoed downstairs. Everyone was gone except Hunter and Vice, passed out on the couch. I assumed that meant someone was in their beds.

I started a pot of coffee and stepped out onto the deck to wait for it to brew.

I had a lot to do. I had to get ready.

I had a job to do.

Chapter 41


“So I guess he had dealings with other shady characters. They wanted him to turn on these really serious guys.”

“Worse than the Margarellis?” I asked, still feeling worried about the club’s mafia association.

“They are dangerous, yes, but they have a code. Other mob families are not so predictable.”

“Make sure Vincent never hears you call him that,” Lucky said.


Lucky nodded. “He’s a badass. His rep is important to him. The family has a long history of blood justice.”

I shivered and Mac put his arm around me.

“Tony is the crazy one. Vincent is more of a businessman,” Mac joked. “But don’t worry, babe. They are not coming for us.”

Kirsten gave me a quick nod and whispered, “It’s okay.” We were all walking down by the lake together. Mac had said he wanted to show me something. It was the first real talk we’d had all week. He went to work, came home, and made love to me all night. That was it. We hadn’t discussed marriage again, and I was a little afraid he was regretting his impromptu proposal. I hadn’t mentioned it either.

Mac had been busy a lot this week, leaving me to spend time with the girls. It was making me worry. Had my reaction to the whole hit thing pushed him away, after all?

But this felt normal. Something couples did. We had dinner and were going for a walk. It was a double date.

Everything is okay, I told myself. Better than okay.

We went over to Lucky’s place after saying goodbye to Hunter and Vice. They had stuck around most of the week to make sure we were in the clear. Everything had moved forward as planned. Cain had a hacker named Trace who had stumbled right into an investigation already in motion. It had been easy to throw them a few bread crumbs. Theo had been shady down to his toes.

Now he was apparently in very big trouble with some very bad men. Especially if he turned on them. Mac assured me we were a hundred percent safe.

But Trace would keep an eye on him from now on, just to be sure.

Mac took my hand and looked at me. I smiled but he didn’t smile back. I was so nervous today. I was almost afraid he was taking me out here to break up with me. But he wouldn’t really do that, would he? Not with the way he held me while I slept. Not with the tender and stormy way he made love to me every single night until dawn.

The path extended much farther than I remembered it going. I’d never been out this way. It was pretty. The lake curved back toward Dev and Kaylie’s cabin, forming what looked like a small lagoon up ahead.

“Close your eyes.”

Mac squeezed my hand when I did as he asked. Then he scooped me up into his arms, making me squeal.

Okay, so not breaking up with me then. What on earth is he up to?

I felt him stop and ease me onto my feet. Then he leaned down and whispered in my ear.