Calliope hissed at the drone as it passed by again. I glanced out the front window to see Kyle, Nick, and Drake parked outside, shooting the shit and lounging on their bikes.

“Are they just going to sit out there?”

He shook his head.

“No, they’ll walk the property every fifteen minutes or so. One guy will take a spin around the neighborhood.”

“They’ve been out there all day.”

“Hunter and Vice will be here by nightfall to take over.”

I frowned. In the past few days, things had gotten a bit weird. First, there were always bikers outside. Mac had a security firm upgrade all of his locks and install cameras. And now the drones.

“Mac,” I said tremulously. “What is going on?”

He turned to look at me, a guilty flush on his cheeks.

“Tell me.”

“Nothing to tell.”

“I’ve been here a week, Mac. Everything was great at first. But you’re acting weird. And now, all this…” I trailed off, suddenly feeling afraid. “Something is wrong. I know it.”

“It’s being handled.”

“It?” I demanded. “What is it?”

He clenched his jaw and stood up.

“Suzanna…” He reached for me but I backed away. I was starting to get upset and I didn’t want him to distract me with kisses. I knew that was what he was thinking of doing.

“Don’t touch me.”

He stopped, staring at me in surprise. He cursed and looked away.

“I don’t want you to freak out.”

“I wasn’t freaking out. Now I am.”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds.”

“As what sounds?”

He ran his hand through his hair and exhaled. Then he looked at me.

“Somebody took out a hit on you. Well, on me. On us.”

“A… hit?”

I felt the room tilt.

“The lawyer. He wanted revenge. He wanted them to kill me and hurt you.”

I shook my head, refusing to believe it. Mac dead? What did he mean, hurt me?

“Oh, my GOD,” I said, reaching out for the back of a chair to steady myself. Mac was by my side and holding me up in an instant.

“It’s handled.”

“How? How could that possibly be handled?”

He tilted my chin up so I was looking at him.

“The guys he asked to do the hit… they happen to be friends. They turned him down.”


“They said no. They would never hurt a woman.”

“I am supposed to be reassured that you are friends with people who are murderers for hire?”

His jaw ticked and he stared at me. I pulled away, not wanting to look at the hurt look on his face. He had no right to be hurt! He’d lied to me! And he was friends with killers!

“I need to get out of here.”

“You can’t.”

“Excuse me?” I said, turning to look at him.

“It’s not safe.”

“You said they weren’t coming for us.”

“They won’t. Someone else might.”

My jaw dropped open.

“How did this happen? How did things get so out of control?”

He shook his head.

“That guy… Theo… he’s bad news. I didn’t realize he’d go this far.”

“Yeah, well, he did.”

“He’s being handled. We just need to know if he tried to hire someone else.”

“Handled? Killed?”

“If it comes to that.”

I shook my head.

“I don’t… I don’t know you at all, do I?”

I stared around his house, wrapping my arms around myself. How could I be so stupid? I knew he was trying to protect me, but I’d just landed into a situation that was so far beyond anything I’d imagined… and Mac… who was he, really? He had just said he would kill someone! I was not ready for this. I wasn’t cut out for this.

It was much, much too much.

“I’ll call Lucky. You want to go over there for the night? There are security guys staying in Dev’s cabin.”

I nodded. I needed space. I went into the bedroom to pack a few things and get my equilibrium. I tried not to notice how crushed Mac looked as he carried my overnight bag out to the car. Lucky was waiting out there in an SUV.

“I’ll take good care of Calliope. Try not to… worry,” he finished lamely. He leaned forward and I shook my head. I couldn’t help stealing a look at him in the rearview mirror as we drove away.

I had never seen anybody look so alone.

Chapter 37


“What’s up, guys?”

Jack and Dev were standing outside the clubhouse, talking in low voices. They looked up at me, their faces full of worry.

“Tell Molly they need her at Kirsten and Lucky’s place.”

“Okay. She’s in class. I can tell her to head there after. Should I be worried? It’s safe, right?”

“Hunter and Vice are there,” Dev said.

“What’s up?”

“It’s Suzanna. She found out about the hit.”

I whistled.

“Shit. Is Mac okay?”

They just stared at me. Finally, Dev shook his head.

“It’s bad, Cal. He thinks she left him. I’ve never seen him like this.” Dev looked so worried. His next words filled me with dread. “Two weeks ago, we never saw him smile. Now he’s crumbling.”

“Fuck. Where is he?”