She watched me suspiciously as I set the flowers on the table beside her.

“Tea? Or ice cream?”

She harrumphed a bit but then murmured, “Tea, please.”

My woman had good manners. I knew because I was the one who had taught her them. Not that she’d been rude before, just a bit of a brat. She was still a brat sometimes, but mostly when she was craving a little extra discipline.

I had a firm hand and it showed. I also took the best, most tender, ever-loving care of my woman. I loved her more than seemed possible. Everything I did, every day since I first laid eyes on her, was for her.

I made her a cup of ginger tea and brought it back in. I pulled some massage oil out of my pocket and sat on the chaise, lifting her feet into my lap. She raised her eyebrows as I rubbed my hands briskly together to warm them before dribbling some oil into one palm. Then I got to work.

Her cute little toes were cold to the touch, so I warmed those up first. Then I dug my thumbs into her arches, soothing any sore spot she might have. I knew when she wore heels, the balls of her feet ached, along with her toes. She sighed as I worked her right foot from heel to toe and back down again. Then I switched to her left side.

By the time I was finished, her eyes were closed and she looked blissed out. I pressed a kiss to her calf and her nose before sliding out and tucking her under her blanket again. She opened her eyes drowsily to smile at me.

“Thank you.”

I nodded.

“Do you want Netflix?”

“Maybe later,” she said, snuggling into the pillow behind her. “If you ‘chill’ with me after.”

I laughed and rumpled her hair.

“You know it, baby girl.”

Chapter 35


I heard my guest teacher trying to calm the class as pandemonium broke loose. Children screeched and I heard little feet race across the dance studio. I grimaced. Ashley had been a friend growing up, one of the only other serious ballet dancers in the area. Now she was home taking care of her mother and changing speeds.

The timing was perfect for me, selfishly. I loved teaching, but running the study, the party venue in our old place downtown, and our herd of redheaded children was taking a toll on me.

I needed help. Now that Molly was in school full-time, I was grasping at straws.

And I liked Ashley, even though she’d been my biggest competition dance-wise back in the day. I liked her even though she was almost too pretty to be real. People always thought she was stuck up, but the truth was, she was just quiet.

The whole ‘brilliantly talented, gorgeous blonde’ thing didn’t endear her to the other dancers, either. She was frequently tapped for lead roles, and not just because she looked the part. Then again, so had I.

We’d been alternates for Swan Lake more than once.

She was the best dance teacher these kids could ever hope to get, other than myself, of course. Having a real dancer added prestige to the place. And from what I’d gathered, she really needed the job.

I sighed, hoping that my children had not scared her off.

Oh, yeah, I knew who was making a ruckus. My children were in class today. Or as I called them on days like this, ‘Jack’s children’.

Speak of the Devil…

“You look extra-fine today, Wife.”

Giant hands smoothed over my back, and I sighed, knowing my husband’s touch. It was almost like I’d summoned him up. I leaned into the massive, warm wall of man behind me.

“You move like a cat,” I murmured, closing my eyes. “A really, really big cat.”

“You’re tired,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “And distracted.”

“True,” I sighed as his hands moved to my shoulders and squeezed. His hands were so big and strong, they enveloped me and warmed my tension away almost instantly.

“Let’s go do dirty things in the stock room,” he whispered into my ear, his beard tickling my throat.

“Jack! We can’t!” I laughed, shocked. My husband never ceased to amaze me. I was lucky that he was so passionate and hungry for me. I didn’t take it for granted. “Can we?”

“We’ll be quick,” he said, nudging his hard cock against my bottom. My man was always ready for me. I was tempted. More than tempted. But there were children present.

Then again…

You only live once, Janet!

“Let’s go,” I said with a giggle, tugging him down the hallway with me. There were two classrooms. One was empty. At the far end of that room was a supply closet. If we locked both doors, there would be no risk of little ears hearing any, um, noises we made.

“Lock it,” I called over my shoulder as I started loosening my clothes. I had a wrap sweater over my dance top and a long and flowy skirt. That could stay on, I reasoned.