“I’m going to tear you apart,” I hissed, reaching for the waistband of my jeans.


“What the–” I put my hand over my forehead. “Somebody else must be here.”

She sat up.

“Are you serious?”

I nodded.

“If it’s Lucky, I will seriously kill him.”

“He did that on purpose? Showing up here?”

“Yes, but that does not explain who is down there now.” I stood up regretfully. “One of the guys, maybe. I don’t know.”

“How many friends do you have?” she asked incredulously. “We are in the middle of nowhere!”

“You met most of the ones who count.”

“There were a lot of them.”

“Yeah, exactly. And they aren’t just friends. They are family.”

I sighed and pulled my clothes on, rifling around to find my shirt from earlier. Suzanna reached for her clothes but I stopped her with a snarl.

“Do not get dressed. Do not move a muscle. Stay there, looking exactly like that.”

She froze and looked at me.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“It feels so dirty to be naked with people downstairs.”


I ran down the stairs, thinking there had better be a damn good reason someone was interrupting me. Again.

“I didn’t even know this place had a doorbell,” I grumbled, opening the door.

Callaway and Molly stood there, holding grocery bags and a cooler. I stared at them, my mind working overtime. Then I said hello and kissed Molly’s cheek.

I ignored Callaway’s outstretched hand, just crossing my arms and waiting.

“Hey, guys. What’s going on?”

“Hey, man, we thought we would barbecue,” Callaway said with a grin. “It was Lucky’s idea.”

Motherfucker. I’m going to kill him. I really am.

“Of course, it was.”

I was on the verge of telling them to take a hike when another car pulled up. And another. I groaned as Whiskey and Becky got out of their SUV. Then Dev and Kaylie.

I couldn’t exactly kick the club Prez out of his own house.

I sighed and went back inside to tell my woman to put her clothes on. Of course, she wasn’t really my woman yet. Not until we sealed the deal.

The way things were going, I wondered if that would ever happen.

Chapter 26


“Hey, buddy,” I said, slapping Mac’s back. He gave me a dirty look and went back to setting up the grill. I nudged him out of the way.

“Grill master is here, my friend. No need for you to do anything but relax.”

“I need something to do.”

I stared at him, my brow furrowed.

“Have fun! You earned it. Have you heard from your job, by the way?”

“No. I planned to go in on Monday, but I’m not sure about leaving Suzanna alone.”

I nodded.

“We could probably get someone to keep an eye on her. And I know a club guy with a security firm up north.”

“Which club?”

“Untouchables,” I said as I started prepping the grill.

“Text me the number.”

“Will do.” I slapped his back again. “Hopefully, you won’t need it.”

“We can handle any blowback.”

“We can. And we will.” I looked across the deck to where my lady was talking to Mac’s new girl. “Becky loves Suzanna already.”

“She’s very lovable.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him, caught off guard by Mac using the ‘L’ word. Not to mention the ‘starving man looking at a steak he can’t have’ kind of deal. Something was up.

“This barbecue wasn’t your idea, was it?”

He shook his head slowly.

“You just wanted to be alone with your woman.”

He nodded. I laughed. Mac’s expression darkened but he didn’t say anything.

“Lucky is a real pain in the ass, isn’t he?”

“You got that right.”

“Is he cock blocking you?”

“Like a fucking champ.”


“That’s one word for it.”

“I’ll try and get people going early.”

“That would be fucking great. Thanks, man.”

We both stared as our girls started to peel off their clothes to reveal bikinis underneath. They giggled, sitting on the edge of the dock and dipping their legs in the lake.

Mac groaned like he was being tormented. I could feel his pain and I wasn’t the one being cock blocked.

Still, seeing Becky like that with nowhere to drag her off and have my way with her…

“Don’t tell me you still haven’t sealed the deal?”

He cursed and yanked his shirt off, kicking off his boots and jumping in the lake in his jeans and socks. I was laughing when Lucky strolled in, carrying a six-pack of beer.

“What’s gotten into him?”

“You know, you motherfucker.” I wagged my spatula at him. “You are one mean son of a bitch.”

He popped the top off one of the longnecks and took a swig of his beer.

“It’s good for him. Puts hair on his chest.”

We watched as Mac dragged Suzanna off the deck and into the water. Soon, the rest of the girls were splashing around with him. The kids were all home with sitters so this was starting to look like a real party.

“Poor Mac,” I said, shaking my head. “So much for getting everyone out of here anytime soon.”

There was no way he was getting laid before midnight at the earliest.