I turned to face the gorgeous, very close to naked woman lying in the big bed. She looked golden and tousled and very, very ready for me.

“Where were we?”

I grabbed her ankles, pulling her jeans off and spreading her long legs up and outward so I could kneel between them. I ran my fingertips up and down her silky legs, looking into her eyes. Very slowly, I bent down and started tonguing her slick folds, my hips rocking in anticipation. Her fingers threaded through my hair as she started to whimper in ecstasy.


I kept going, moving to her clit now, my fingers replacing my tongue inside her. She was really tight, and I had a big cock. I had to get her ready.


“Oh, God,” Suzanna said breathlessly. “Oh, my God.”





I didn’t stop, flicking my tongue against her clit and sucking it into my mouth.


It should have been funny. But it wasn’t. I groaned in frustration, rolling away as Suzanna stalked to the door. The cat was halfway under it, her paws scratching frantically. Suzanna leaned on the door, her gorgeous ass cheeks making me want to bite them.

“What is wrong with you, you evil feline?”

The cat must have thought her toes were mice because the next thing I knew, Suzanna was hopping up and down and cursing a blue streak. Apparently, she had plans to make a cat-ska-bob for dinner.

“It’s a good thing that cat doesn’t speak English.”





I sighed and rolled to my feet.

“You okay, baby? She draw blood?”

“Yes! Why does that cat hate me when you are around?”

I bit back a smile. The cat was into me. It would have been cute if sex had not just been interrupted again.

“Maybe it’s hormonal.”

She glared at me, still looking sexy standing on one foot, half-naked. She still wore her shirt even though it was open. Her bra was around her waist.

“You want me to clean that up?”

She shook her head.

“I can do it.”

“Okay, I’ll go distract the cat.”

The cat who was still wailing at full blast just outside the door. I could see the shadow as she paced back and forth, miffed at being locked out.


“I’ll feed her.”

“You are just rewarding her for bad behavior!”

I shook my head. “I think we are past training this particular cat.” Her mouth opened as she stared at me. “That ship has sailed, sweetheart.”

She started giggling. I loved the sound of it. Then she winced.

“Okay, clean that up. I’ll be back in a few. And then your ass is mine.”

She gasped a little as I palmed her flawless ass, pulling her close for a quick kiss. Then I opened the door and grabbed the cat before she could go after Suzanna’s toes again.

“Come on, you little devil.”

I scratched behind her ears as I carried her down the stairs to the kitchen. The little fur ball was purring again. She really was playing favorites. I hoped Suzanna didn’t feel too badly that her kitty had switched her allegiance.

I set the cat down and took out a bowl, a fork, and a can of the fancy cat food Suzanna liked. It was all human-grade food, no antibiotics. She was serious about the whole non-toxic, no chemicals or scented VOCs thing. A lot of the ladies were into that stuff lately. I hadn’t thought about it much, but it made sense to me when I did.

It was just another adorable, special thing about her.

I doled out a big portion while the kitty wound herself in and out of my legs like a figure-eight.

“Here you go, you bad girl,” I said, scratching her ears again. Then I washed my hands quickly and ran up the stairs like a fucking Olympic sprinter. If she had set up hurdles, I would have flown over them.

Hell, if Suzanna was at the end, I would do anything to get there first.

She was sitting on the bed, her shirt buttoned, pressing a bandage onto the top of one of her toes. I growled when I saw her. She looked up and blinked, looking as pretty as a picture.

A picture with way too many clothes on.


“Clothes. Off. Now.”

She looked at me for a heartbeat, then sprang into action, tearing her shirt off and reaching back to unclasp her bra. I lay down next to her and yanked her into my arms, groaning at the way she felt. She felt so good in my arms, all warm and sweet and womanly.

We kissed, our tongues sparring wildly as I ran my hand down her flank and slapped her ass. She stared at me in shock. Then she shocked me.

“Do it again.”

I grinned, raising my hand to smack her ass. She gasped again, and we looked at each other in surprise. Apparently, my woman liked being spanked.

That was not going to be a problem for me.