Lots of people laid around in bed and did fun things. Like sleep. And making whoopee.

I leaned over and whispered in my husband’s ear.

“I think they want to be alone.”

“I know,” Lucky said with a smirk. “We can stretch this out at least another hour.”

“Lucky!” I hissed at him, pinching his side. He was rock solid but I still managed to get a bit of flesh. “Mac is your friend!”

“That’s why I want to see him suffer,” he said with an evil arch to his brow. “It’s good for him. And it amuses me.”

I stifled a laugh and hoisted Jayce to her feet.

“Thanks for everything! We are so excited to have neighbors,” I added, hoping to plant the seed. Again. ‘Please move here,’ I thought.

Lucky gave me a pigheaded look, not budging from his chair until I glared at him. He stood up with a dramatic sigh. Mac and Suzanna turned to stare at the crazy lady who apparently did not know how to shut up. Even Jayce gave me a funny look.

“Okay, bye!” I waved to Suzanna and Mac as I dragged my husband and child toward the door. Somehow, Marie had slept the whole time. “We will see you soon!”

I was grinning as we walked home around the lake path.

“I like her,” Jayce offered. “She makes Mac happy.”

I took her hand and squeezed it.

“I do too.”

Chapter 25


I stared at her. Suzanna stared at me. And then I pounced.

Hell, I think we both did.

We collided in an epic explosion of hands, bodies, and mouths.

The door had barely closed and I had her up against the kitchen counter, my tongue in her throat and my hands palming her ass.

I lifted my head to look at her after kissing her hard and deep. It was time. We were both ready. We both knew it.

“Do you think they knew?” she asked breathlessly as I started undoing her buttons. I grunted, hardly able to pay attention. After all this time, I was going to finally get some relief.

I was going to get her.

All of her.

And I couldn’t fucking wait.

I opened her button-down shirt and tugged her bra down so I could play with her nipples. I pinched them softly, then lowered my head to suck on them one at a time until they were hard as little stones. I groaned at the sexy little noises she was making.

“Fuck,” I breathed. “I want you so fucking bad.”

“Me… too,” she gasped as I rubbed her pussy through her soft, worn-in jeans.

“I want to take my time,” I said, my voice even lower than usual. “I want to do this in a bed.”



“Oh,” she said, blushing. I chuckled, even though my cock was aching. I wanted more than anything to fuck her right there on the kitchen counter. But I couldn’t. This was serious. It was our first time together. I needed to do this right.

“Come,” I ordered her. She blinked at me and obeyed, taking my outstretched hand. I had to be in charge of this. I had to control the pace, to make it good for her, and to make sure I didn’t fucking embarrass myself by coming too soon.

Because I was so pent up, I had a bad feeling I might pop the second I got inside her.

And that was not going to happen. Not on my watch. So I got bossy.

“Upstairs,” I said as I guided her up the stairs in front of me with my hand on her lower back. We were both breathless as we took the stairs and hurried toward the bedroom. I thrust her onto the bed, following her down quickly.

Clothes were flying everywhere. Tongues were tangling. I started kissing my way down her body when she suddenly stopped moaning and tapped my shoulder.

“Hmm?” I asked, my teeth caught on the edge of her jeans. I’d taken her torn panties from the night before as a souvenir. I hoped to have my own collection soon. Once she moved in with me, I could steal her panties anytime I wanted.

The thought made me grin.

I looked up and she pointed. Calliope was staring at us. I ran my tongue over Suzanna’s belly and reached up to play with her nipples. She tapped my shoulder again.

Somehow, the cat had inched forward, still in loaf position. It almost looked like she was on a cat conveyor belt. She was still staring at us as if we were a fish tank full of goldfish.

I groaned.

“This is going to be a problem.”


“I got it.”

I scooped up Calliope, murmuring silly little words. She meowed at me, sounding annoyed. Thank God she didn’t start biting. I knew she did that when Suzanna pissed her off.

Her fur was soft against my bare chest. I was on the verge of laughing as she started purring immediately. The little hellion really did have a soft spot for me. I scratched behind her ears and set her down in the hallway, shutting the door in her cute little furry face.