And there were windows in the bedroom. Mac was fixing the windows. It would totally be reasonable for him to go in there and see panties. Maybe even granny panties.

Not the granny panties. Please, dear God, not the granny panties.

I dropped the plant spikes I was labeling with a squawk and hurried back inside. He was nowhere to be found. I hurried to the single bedroom and threw open the door. Mac lay on the floor, shimmying wood under the bedroom window.

It was as if my worst nightmare had come to life.

He was, in fact, right next to the bed.

And there were, in fact, panties under the bed.

I hurried over, kicking them further under the bed with my heel.

“How’s it going?” I asked in an oddly loud voice. Great. I am definitely not cool anymore. I used to be cool. I guess getting older and moving to the middle of nowhere could leech the cool right out of you.

Mac looked up at me as if he was enjoying the view. He smiled faintly, then went back to what he was doing.


“Do you need anything?”

Once again, too loud, Sussy!

He smiled a little bit more at that, and I wondered what he was thinking. He looked at me again, his eyes taking in my bare legs. I should have minded that he was ogling me. But for some crazy reason, I just didn’t. Our eyes met for a hot second and something passed between us.

And then he went back to work.

“What are you offering?” he asked without looking. Oh, there he went, flicking his eyes at my body like a lash. I almost heard the whip crack.


“You got any more tomatoes?”

I nodded stupidly. I’d thought he was asking something else. The man barely spoke, for Goodness’ sake! How was I supposed to know what he was getting at!

And he knew I had more tomatoes.

“I’ll make us something to eat in a little while.” He nodded and kept going, just lying there on the floor, looking like a six-foot tabby cat in tight jeans. “With tomatoes,” I added lamely.


I stood there for another second before realizing I was staring at him. I bustled into the kitchen and started rummaging around for something to make.

A quiche, I decided. Or no. He’s a man, not an old woman.

Gah, how did I end up cooking dinner for him? Is this a date?

Chicken, I decided. Cold chicken with some veggies on the side.

That’s what I had, and that’s what he was getting.

Next time I went shopping, though, I was getting more supplies. Beer. Man stuff.

Just in case…

Chapter 7


“This is good,” I said after a couple of bites. “Really good.”

Suzanna bit her lip.

“I didn’t really have a lot lying around.”

“It’s good.”

And it was. It tasted even better because of the company. I didn’t mind a bit that she felt obligated to feed me. It got me some one-on-one time with her.

Because it seemed like the rest of the time, she was trying to run away. All afternoon, I’d noticed that wherever I was, she wasn’t. She was avoiding me in her own house.

I’d seen her kick those sexy little panties under the bed too.

I hid a smirk. I’d been tempted to steal those panties. But I’d decided to wait until I took a pair off her myself.

My cock was responding to her nearness like it always did. I was semi-hard pretty much from the moment I saw her to the moment I got into a cold shower the day before. I expected today to be the same.

Unless, of course, she gave in to what we were both feeling.

Just say the word, and I will throw that cute little ass on the table and have my way with you.

I licked my lips, imagining what kind of noises she would make while I ran my tongue all over that sweet little pussy. I wondered if she was shaved. I wondered what color her nipples were. I wanted to know if her toes were painted.

I really, really wanted to know.

I needed to know.

“That guy bothered you before?”

She shook her head, sending those glossy waves bouncing. I wanted to tug her into my lap and undo her hair so I could run my fingers through it. I wanted to smell it.

Hell, I wanted to taste it too.

“No. It’s mostly been phone calls and letters. I guess they got tired of being ignored.”

“You like it out here? Must be awful quiet.”

“It was quiet.”

She gave me a look and I smiled apologetically.


“It was my grandmother’s place. I didn’t have a big family.” She sighed, and it was so cute and forlorn that I almost yanked her into my lap again. “So yes, I like it.”

“But you are new around here, right?”

“How did you know that?”

“I would have noticed you,” I said, holding her eyes until she blushed. Goddamn, she looked pretty when she blushed! I wanted to make her whole body blush, I decided. I’d play with her titties and pussy for a long time, making sure I could see everything. She’d be all wiggly and shy about it. I’d see how pink she would turn while I played her like a fiddle.