I nodded jerkily and raced up the stairs. When I got to the bathroom, Jacey wasn’t in there. I peeked into her bedroom and saw she was already in bed. Her air filter was off, the window was cracked open, and I even saw that the sanitizing wipes were out with the lid cracked. She’d done it all.

My baby had put herself to bed.

I closed my eyes and shook off the urge to cry. It felt so strange. It was like she was growing up right in front of me in the blink of an eye. She’d always been mature but…

I tiptoed across the room and pressed the lid of the wipes closed so that they wouldn’t dry out, backed out of the room and shut the door. Then I tiptoed all the way down the stairs.

Lucky was standing there, staring into the gas fireplace. His hands were in his pockets. I watched him for a moment. He was so handsome. So good. I stepped on a creaky stair and he turned to look at me in surprise.

“That was fast.”

I held my fingertip to my lips. He nodded and crossed the room to take my hand. He led me into the bedroom swiftly. He closed the door and it was like a dam broke.

We crashed into each other like waves, our hands and arms and fingers and tongues intertwining. I pushed Lucky’s shirt off his shoulders and moaned at the feeling of his hot, smooth skin.

Lucky pressed me against the wall. I reached for his belt buckle and he tugged at my shirt as we started moving as one towards the bed.

“You didn’t mention all the things I would get, just from being here.”

“I didn’t?”

My voice was breathy as he peeled my shirt off. He kissed his way down my body as he undressed me. My knees hit the back of the bed and I sat abruptly, with Lucky following me down.


He arranged us quickly, lying on top of me, his hands finding my nipples through my bra, skimming my sides and hips. His lips were on my neck, kissing me between sentences.

“I get to be near you.” His mouth moved to my collar bone. “I get to see you. Watch you.” He kissed the swell of my breast and reached behind me to release my bra clasp. “I get to witness what an amazing mother you are. What an amazing person.” He pulled my bra free and ran his tongue over one nipple. I moaned, my fingers threading through his hair. “I get to kiss you and touch you and…” He lifted his head to stare at me. “Someday soon, I’ll get to do more.”

In that moment, I surrendered my heart completely. I had no power over this man. I could not protect myself from the love he gave me a second longer. My heart opened up like a flower. I wanted him so badly, I’d been afraid to admit it. Afraid that I would give in only to be hurt. Hurt so badly I’d never recover.

But he was here with me. He wanted to stay. He wanted me.

He loved me.

“Lucky…” I breathed his name, saying it like it was a prayer. A prayer of thanks. A prayer begging for forgiveness. Because there was no way I was going to be able to resist becoming one with him.

I knew without a doubt that I was about to break my oath with God.

“Shhh. Just lie back, Angel. I’m going to take care of everything.”

I held my breath, waiting to see what he would do next. I had to try and keep my promise, though I was so mindlessly needful, I didn’t see how.

“I want…”

He rose up, kissing me hard. His lips stopped me from asking him to break my vow. He stared at me, his eyes hard and yet loving.

“I know.”

He pulled away just as fast, leaving me breathless. Leaving me wanting so much more. But he was already sliding down my body and pulling off my jeans. I moaned as he tugged my panties to the side. I felt his hot breath against my bare pussy. His lips found my center and he kissed me, long and slow and deep. He kissed my pussy like he was kissing my mouth. I shuddered as an unexpected orgasm swept through me.

He murmured something without stopping. I thought I heard him urge me to go higher. He plunged his tongue inside me and fucked me with it relentlessly. It wasn’t long before my body arched up and an even bigger orgasm rode the coattails of the first.

I was still trembling when he lifted his head to look at me.

“Very good, Angel. Now, let’s do that again.”

I barely had time to breathe before he lowered his head. This time he worked my clit, sucking it into his mouth and stroking it with his tongue. His fingers slid inside me and stroked in and out. Everything he did was deliberate. He set the pace just a bit slower than I wanted it to be. He kept me riding the edge and teased me with the promise of another, even bigger, orgasm that was just out of reach. I knew he wouldn’t stop until I came again.