Displeasure and something else. Something that changed my whole perspective, which had been solely focused on getting the girl in my bed. Suddenly I felt like a five-hundred-pound gorilla, ready to go to battle to protect what was mine.

I saw fear.

Chapter 2


“Come on, don’t be a pain in the ass.”

“Where are you taking me, Paulie?”

“In the back. Boss wants to talk to you.”

I would not let them see how scared I was. I could not. If I did, who knew what Sal would ask for next. It was only Vincent and his brother Antonio who kept Sal from making the kind of demands I couldn’t stomach.

The kind of demands that Sal clearly wanted to make.

I waited as Paulie knocked on the old industrial door. A voice called out to enter and I stepped into the room. This room did not look like the rest of the place.

Yes, it was rusty and old and creaky but in here, it was a bit more comfy. The room had no windows. Sal was too paranoid for that. But it had a big desk with a comfortable looking leather chair behind it. There was a less comfortable looking wooden chair across from it. A small wood bar and a leather sofa completed the room. I glanced down at my feet.

There was even a Persian rug.

Sal was fond of his creature comforts, that was for sure.

I forced myself to meet his small, piggish eyes. He ran this place, but he wasn’t the real boss. That was Vincent senior, although he was poised to step down. His two sons ran the day to day operations. Sal answered to them.

Which was the only reason he hadn’t forced himself on me yet.

I shivered as his eyes slid over my body like greasy snakes. He had a different girl in here every night from what I could tell. But he always made sure to get a good look at me before he took them in the back.

“Come in, Charise. Sit down.” He gestured to the couch, but I ignored him, perching on the hard wooden chair.

My name was not Charise, but I didn’t bother to correct him. They liked us to use fake names here, to assume an identity. Mine was supposed to be ‘classy broad’ from what I’d been told my first day. Apparently, that’s what they thought a classy name was.

“Thank you.”

I waited. He leaned back in his chair and looked me over some more. I clenched my hands and forced a tight smile.

“People are winning at your table a lot. Lots of high rollers.”

I didn’t say a word.

“It’s a catch 22 for me. You bring in a lot of repeat customers. But you also pay out too much.”

“I don’t cheat, if that’s what you are saying.”

“You misunderstood me, sweetheart.” He gave me an oily smile. “We want you to cheat. Just… in our favor.”

He made an expansive hand gesture and I noticed his jewelry. He was covered in it. Necklace, bracelet, rings. It all looked like real gold.

I could get enough medicine for Jacey for a year with that ring. Never mind the bracelet on his slimy wrist.

I sat up straighter.

“I work here for you every night. Isn’t that enough?”

“It’s enough when I fucking say it’s enough.”

I flinched and he smiled. Damn it, I knew I had to learn to hide my revulsion better. He rubbed his bottom lip, his gaze on my chest.

“You know you could work off that debt of yours a lot faster. All you have to do is be a little more friendly.”

I didn’t have to ask what that meant. From what he’d offered the first time we met, I knew it involved sitting on his lap and letting him touch me.

“No, thank you.”

“So polite. You think you’re too good for me? For this place?”


“One of these days, Vincent is going to change his mind. Or I’ll catch Tony in a bad mood and he’ll give me the go ahead.”

I swallowed, forcing down my fear. I didn’t think the Margarelli brothers would do that, but who knew? They were criminals, even if they had been kind to me.

“Then we’ll really have a party.”

“I should get back out there.”

“Fine. But, toots…”

I stood and waited.


“Stop letting them fucking win so much.”

“I don’t know how to do that.”

“Go home. Look it up. It’s easy.”

I nodded. What else could I do? I had to try and cheat the system.

Anywhere else that would get me arrested. Here, it would keep me safe. More importantly, it would keep my kid alive.

I walked out of the room and turned to Paulie.

“I need a drink of water.”

“Sure, kid.”

Paulie was a big guy and loyal to Sal. But he didn’t make me feel like he was going to jump on me. It was weird, but there was honor here, even in the mafia.