“Go on.”

I slipped the shirt over my head and shimmied out of my dress and bra. I sighed in pleasure. It felt so good not to be stuck in that tight dress and high heels. I lay back down again, wondering how this had all happened.

Lucky was tucking me in. Not pressuring me for sex. He’d been mad but he wasn’t yelling. He was just… taking care of me.

“I need your house keys.”

“For what?”

“To lock myself out.”

“Oh. But–”

“I’ll be back in an hour. Just sleep. Everything will be fine.”

“I need to get up by two.”

“I’ll get you up.”

I was so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open. I’d had more adrenaline that I was used to and now I was crashing.


The last thing I saw as my eyes drifted shut was Lucky, pulling the covers over me.

Chapter 11


Fuck me.

The girl was starving. Literally starving. I’d felt how thin she was when I laid on top of her on the couch. But I’d been too horny to even really think about it.

Not until I saw her cupboards. Not until I saw how she had nothing, literally nothing in the fucking kitchen! I was furious. I’d watched her carefully. I’d seen Paulie pay off the other girls who worked there at the end of a shift.

But not once had I seen him pay her.

Fuck me.

She was poor. Struggling. And so noble she’d tried to give my money back. I pulled the envelope out and put it on the the kitchen table.

What the hell was I going to do with my Angel?

She wouldn’t let me help her. She wouldn’t tell me what the Margarellis had on her. She wouldn’t sleep with me, which I knew was temporary. She wanted me. I could feel it. There was fucking electricity every time we touched.

I looked around. The place was a dump, though she’d done well with it. It had a charm to it, with all kinds of thrift store finds that somehow worked together. But it was beat up too. Like her car.

Like her high heel shoes.

I’d felt a hole in the sole when I took them off of her.

It pissed me off. She deserved the best of everything. She didn’t deserve to be in this dump with the mob on her ass. I didn’t care what she’d done or how much she owed them. It was over.

I was going to pay it off. Every damn cent. Even if things didn’t go the way I was expecting with her. Even if she moved away or met someone else or didn’t want me as bad as I wanted her.

Yeah, I was taking care of the whole mafia situation.

As soon as I got some fucking food in her.

I called Mac, reasoning that it was better than calling Donnie. It was still early and Donnie’s wife was extremely pregnant. Jack had fifty kids. Seriously, it was like a hoard of redheaded hellions over there. A crimson blur.

And I never called Dev unless it was a crisis.

That left Mac, Drake, Callaway and Whiskey. Cal and Whiskey had young uns. Drake had just pulled an all-nighter with me and was probably dragging ass at the construction site.

So Mac it was.

“I need a ride. Lots of room for cargo.”

“Where are you?”

I smiled grimly and filled him in on the address. I loved that about our inner circle. He didn’t ask why. He knew I wouldn’t ask if there wasn’t a damn good reason. I looked around the dingy apartment. Even though she’d managed to make it look sweet, it wasn’t good enough.

“I need a house too. Someplace green.”

He grunted.

“Jack is good at that.”

“Maybe send over some of the guys to keep an eye on this place. I need to make sure Angel doesn’t leave. She’s in trouble, Mac.”

He was quiet but I knew he wasn’t thinking it over. He was making a list and texting everyone.

“Got it.”

“Oh and Mac?”


“See if anyone has a boot, I need to lock a car down.”

“Jersey should have one.”

I nodded. Jersey was a nickname like mine. Nobody knew Jersey’s real name anymore. But he was originally from Jersey and he ran road work crews for the county. He was kind of a badass. We all made fun of his accent though.

I hung up and looked around. It would take him about twenty minutes to get to his cousin’s place and then drive over here with one of Donnie’s SUVs. There were two camps in our crew. Family guys with real cars, and the rest of us who only rode two-wheeled vehicles.

I was starting to see the appeal of having a ride you could load up with shit though. I decided to buy a car, right then and there. A big one.

So I could drive Angel around it in, of course.

Thirty minutes later I was walking through the grocery store with Mac in tow. I pushed one cart. He pushed the other. I looked around, wondering what the heck to get.