“Well, he is. But he’s still a horny old goat.”

That set us all off. Then Sally announced that she’d just peed her pants and we all burst into laughter. We were still laughing when Lucky swooped in and dragged me away.

“Dance with me.”

He walked backwards, pulling me to the center of the deck. Mac was strumming his guitar softly. I almost jumped when he started to sing. He sounded so good he could have been on the radio, just like Sally.

“Wow. I don’t think I’ve even heard him talk.”

“Yeah. He’s quiet. But he can sing. He can draw too.”

“You have fascinating friends, Lucky.”

“Family. They are my family,” he corrected me with a squeeze. “They’re your family now too.”

I nodded, smiling. They weren’t just words. He meant them.

“I’m sorry we can’t take a honeymoon quite yet. I want to start on the house tomorrow. And it doesn’t seem right to leave Jacey.”

“I didn’t expect a honeymoon, Lucky. I didn’t expect”—I gestured around me—“any of this.”

“What about me?” He gave me a lopsided grin that made my heart do double time. “Did you expect you’d end up with a guy like me?”

“I didn’t even know guys like you existed.”

He squeezed me and pressed his lips to mine.

“I never imagined anyone like you either.”

I smiled shyly.

“So we’re both unicorns I guess.”

He laughed and twirled me around.

“I like that. Unicorns.”

He kissed me again. Then he whispered in my ear.

“I can’t wait to be alone with you.”

“No, you don’t!”

I was lifted off my feet by Drake, while the guys pulled Lucky away.

“Not until we toast you!”

“And you have to open presents!” Janet shouted out with a grin. Lucky moaned as we were pushed into two chairs in the center of the deck. One by one the guys and girls stood in front of us, offering toasts.

Halfway through the toasts and my ears were already burning.

“This man stayed up until dawn. He never met a card game he didn’t like. But he never got really lucky until he met Kirsten.”

Everyone cheered.

“Here’s to Kirsten and Lucky! Tonight, he’ll really get lucky!”

I buried my head in my hands but Lucky just chuckled. He pulled me out of my chair and onto his lap and whispered in my ears.

“Are you blushing, sweetheart?”

I nodded, still unable to show my face. So everyone knew that we hadn’t… my whole body blushed as that information set in.

This is the most embarrassing moment of my life. The happiest too.

And it didn’t stop there. Dev made a toast, though it was more PG13. Then Donahue. Even Jack came up and said a few words.

“Lucky is the little brother I never had. He’s annoying. But I still think he’s cute.”

Everyone laughed at that.

“Unfortunately, he knows it.” Jack lifted a champagne flute full of ginger ale and toasted us. “To you, little brother. I love you.”

“I love you, man!” Lucky shouted. I was laughing along with everyone else. Lucky was cute and he did know it.

“He knows you well.”

“You think I’m annoying?” Lucky pretended to be offended.

“No,” I ventured, feeling unaccountably shy. “I think you’re cute.”

He grinned wide at me.

“And you know it!”

Lucky pulled me in for a kiss that was a lot hotter and sexier than any we had shared so far. It was a kiss full of promise, with nothing held back. When he finally lifted his head, I was already out of breath. He looked around and whispered.

“Let’s get out of here.”

“But the guests—”

“They will go home soon enough.”

“And Jacey—”

“Callaway knows the drill. They have plenty of room. They already cleaned the whole place with vinegar and ran the air filter all day.”

I nodded.

“Alright. Let me say goodnight to her.”

But when I looked around, I saw that she was already dozing on Molly’s shoulder. I bit my lip. My little girl was happy. And I’d see her in a few days. For now, we were going to have a mini-moon right here at the cabin.

“Let’s make an Italian exit.”

I giggled.

“What’s that?”

“It’s when you sneak out without saying goodbye to anyone.”

“Oh. Alright.”

He took my hand and kissed it. And then, without a word to anyone, we slipped away. He led me up the stairs to the bedroom I’d been sleeping in since the first night. Jacey’s things were already packed in Cal and Molly’s car. No one would come up here, no matter how long the party went on.

The open window faced the woods and we could hear the soft murmur of voices.

“Do you want me to shut it?”

I shook my head.

“No. I love the fresh air.”

He nodded and looked at me. He just… looked at me for the longest time. I was starting to feel self-conscious when he finally crossed the room and pulled me into his arms. His lips met mine in a soft, reverent kiss. I sighed and melted into him.

Just like that, it was like a dam broke. All the emotions we’d been holding back poured out of us and crashed into each other. The kiss literally exploded. His grip on me tightened and he guided me towards the bed. His tongue delved into my mouth, seeking and stroking. His cock swelled, pressing hot and hard against my belly.