“True that.”

I stood and stretched.

“I need to get cleaned up and get back here.”

“I brought my jacket.” Callaway winked. “I was told I could shower here.”

“Fuck, I should have done that.”

“Nah. You can bring the ladies. The girls are all at the loft getting ready. They’ll need another car or two to get them all here with the kids.”

I nodded and slapped his back, waving to a semi-hysterical looking Lucky who was hanging paper lanterns in the front of the house. It looked absolutely beautiful, even I could see that. Not that I was going to tell him that. I’d leave that to the chicks.

“See you soon, man. You got this!”

He nodded distractedly. He wanted everything to be perfect. I understood the sentiment. Though I was pretty sure he was more focused on the wedding night than anything else.

Lucky had never waited for a woman in his life. He’d never even had to wait five minutes. If he showed the slightest interest, there were club girls a plenty ready and eager to get down with him. But he’d been like that since high school. It was funny as hell to watch him suffer. I almost wished Preacher had made him wait another week or two. I wanted to see what would happen.

Maybe he’d explode.

I drove home. Becky was still there, getting ready and waiting for me to chauffeur them to the cabin. When I walked in, it was anarchy. Becky was trying to saddle up two babies. She ran past me with half her hair in rollers and one high heel on. I laughed and scooped her up into my arms.

“Where do you think you are going?”

“Jesse spat up on my dress! Trying to find a new one.”

Our sweet baby was having trouble keeping milk down. It was a worry for both of us. But the doctor said as long as he was gaining weight, it was all good. Some babies just had fussy tummies. Our first born was healthy as an ox, so we were spoiled. Our Petunia was the easiest baby I’d ever seen. She slept through the night too, God love her. Her baby brother was a hell of a lot more high-maintenance.

Of course, my lady had thought I was cheating on her and taken off when she was first pregnant, so I hadn’t even met Petunia until she was a few months old. Losing Becks was one of the hardest things I had ever gone through, even before I knew about our baby. But it made me appreciate them even more.

And I knew Becks would never do anything so crazy again.

I made sure of it. Keeping her happy was only one of the tools in my arsenal. Keeping her pregnant was another. The woman didn’t have the time or energy to think about running off on me again. And I did my best to keep her happy as a little hummingbird with a belly full of nectar.

I followed her into the bedroom and watched her rummage through the closet. I couldn’t resist nuzzling her neck from behind and laying my hand on her softly swelling belly.

“How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

She sighed and leaned into me.

“Happy but frazzled.”

“It’s okay. I’m here. You sit down and tell me what to do.”

“The kids are dressed but I still need to load the diaper bag and snack bag. I think I charged my phone but I can’t find it. I only have one shoe and no idea what to wear since my go to dress has baby puke all over it. Is that enough?”

I chuckled and kissed her neck.


I guided her to the bed and looked down at her.

“Take that off.”

She pulled the straps of her soiled dress off her shoulders and I wiggled my eyebrows at her. She made a scoffing sound. The woman still didn’t know what she did to me. From the moment we’d met, I’d only had eyes for her. I always wanted her, day and night. Especially now, with her curves getting even… curvier.

I liked my Becks a little round around the edges. Hell, I’d love it if she put on forty pounds but I didn’t tell her that. I didn’t want her to take it the wrong way. She was perfect at any weight, any way you sliced it. She was the best thing since sliced bread.

I turned to the closet and riffled towards the back, where her dresses were. I wanted something stretchy, maybe with a pattern. In case anyone puked on her again.

I found a dress I remembered her wearing in the fall last year. It was getting warmer out now, but it was the right weight for a cool evening by the lake. And it always looked gorgeous on her. I pulled it out.

“What about this?”

She blinked, looking at it.

“Oh. I forgot about that one. How did you know it was there?”