“I already called Drake. He’s checking with his guys.”

“I’ll help when I can.”

“Me too.”

Lucky smiled, looking like a kid on Christmas morning. He might be stressed and sexually frustrated, but he was happier than I’d ever seen him.

“Damn right you will!”

“So is Preacher finally coming?”

“Three days. If the fucker doesn’t get distracted by any beach babes.”

“So a week then.”

Lucky closed his eyes.

“Fuck, I hope not.”

I smirked and slapped his back.

“It’ll happen.”

Whiskey was trying not to laugh as we walked back around the lake to Dev’s place. I said hello to Kirsten and Jacey and introduced Whiskey. Then we went back out to my SUV.

I checked my phone before we started back to town.

“I need to stop for pickles.”

Whiskey let out a hoot of laughter.

“Is she pregnant again? You two are like rabbits!”

I looked at him then back at the road.

A couple of things went through my head.

We were like rabbits.

My wife was very curvy lately.

She was also sleeping a lot.

She either did not know she was pregnant or was waiting to surprise me.

I was getting less observant and had to step it up.

And finally:

I was one-hundred percent going to be a daddy for the sixth time.

I was smiling all the way home.

Chapter 33


“Come in, the water’s great!”

I smiled tightly as Jacey and her ridiculously sexy mother splashed around in the lake. I was doing my best not to look at my Angel. She was wearing a pair of sleep shorts and a t–shirt over a bra. The girls didn’t have swimsuits so they’d improvised.

And my Angel looked very, very sexy when wet.

Shower sex. We were definitely having shower sex on our wedding night. Every day for the rest of our lives, too.

Every single day.

I could almost feel her skin under my eager fingertips. I could tell my Angel was slippery when wet.

I groaned and reminded myself not to tug on my aching balls. And man, did they ache. But that was not appropriate around kids. I wanted to though. My balls were heavy all the time these days, even with the nightly fun we were having. My Angel was getting really good at taking care of me.

Do not think about her mouth. Do not think about her lips. Do not think about–

Just like that, I was sprung.

“Aw, hell.”

I pulled my shirt and shoes off and ran straight into the lake. I came up sputtering and blessedly, slightly less hard. I grinned at the outraged female faces treading water about ten feet away. I’d done my best not to splash them.

“Lucky! You’re wearing your jeans!”

“I got more.”

My Angel gave me a perplexed look, as if she knew something was off. I could tell she didn’t know exactly what, thank God. She didn’t need to know I was a walking hard on around her. A man had to preserve his dignity.

Permaboner. That’s what I had. And it sucked. Not that I’d change a damn thing except the wedding date.

I swam under the water and tickled Angel’s cute little feet. She kicked out gently and I grabbed her foot and tugged on it. Then lifted her up out of the water in the air.

“Lucky! Don’t!”

“I’m not going to throw you.”

I dropped her into my arms and kissed her. Jacey giggled. Thankfully she didn’t seem to think it was gross when I kissed her mom. The kid was pretty much sunshine all the time.

I knew better than to roughhouse with her though. Her lungs didn’t need any lake water in there mucking things up. She couldn’t jump in the lake like I did, either. She took the little wood ladder every time.

Next time, I’d do it that way too, I decided. I didn’t want her to feel left out.

And when we moved, we’d have our own beach with a raft. She could walk right into the water on warm days. I’d even get some pretty white sand to clean up the area and make it extra soft for my two girls and their cute little toes.

I kissed Angel again and swam to the dock. I needed to get going to set up my surprise later. And I wanted to have towels waiting for the girls when they got out.

I told them to turn around and left my soaked jeans on the deck railing. Then I ran buck ass naked through the house to grab towels. I wrapped one around me and carried two outside for the girls. I waved at Angel as she stared at my chest.

Were her cheeks a little pink?

I grinned and went inside to get a shower. I loved that she seemed to like my body so much. Not as much as I liked hers, of course. That was impossible. It was fucking hot and sweet. She might be inexperienced, but she was so damn sexy it didn’t make a lick of difference.