Heard the good news. So I guess you aren’t going anywhere, you fucker.

We still might. Angel is jumpy.

I don’t blame her. We all want to meet her before you go.

Hopefully you’ll do more than that. I want you to stand with me at my wedding.

Oh yeah?

Yeah, you fucker. I want you to be my best man.

It would be an honor.

Damn straight. Now where is Preacher? I need this wedding to happen fast.

So it is true.


She won’t sleep with you until you are married.

I cursed, ready to kill Whiskey. I hadn’t said it that way exactly, but he’d figured it out from a couple of clues. Clues I’d been too desperate and worked up to hide the last time we talked. I was sure everyone was having a good laugh at my expense.

You two are worse than women with your gossip.

So you’re not denying it.

I can always ask someone else to stand with me.

Alright, alright.

So? Where is Preacher, you fuck?

He’s still in Mexico.

Did you bribe him?

You remember he tried to steal my bride away on my wedding day, right?

I don’t care.

I’ll try him again.

Sucks that you can’t get laid.

Tell him you’ll detail his bike.

Me? You fucking do it.

Too busy. I’ll be on my honeymoon.

You are a piece of work.

You know it.

I was smiling as I slid my phone into my pocket. I had to get Preacher here. He might be a pain in the ass but we trusted him, even if he was in a different crew. Plus, it was tradition.

I got a text back from Jack about something else and grinned. I walked to the front porch to call him.

“What’s up, brother?”

“I have an idea.”


I was sure Jack was going to think I was nuts. But I opened my mouth and started talking.

Twenty minutes later I was off with Jack and calling Dev and seeing if the plan could be put into motion. I got off the phone few minutes later and texted Jack and Whiskey.

Meet me tomorrow.

It’s on.

Chapter 32



I planted one boot on an outcropping of bedrock, staring out over the lake. We were about a quarter of the way around the lake from Dev’s old family place. The elevation was higher and the view was a bit better. Plus, it was even further from the road.

“This is the spot.”

Lucky came up beside me, peering out over the edge.

“Is it safe?”

I nodded.

“No deck out here. Just a big picture window. Deck on the sides and back.”

“Can we build stairs down the path? It doesn’t seem secure to me.”

I grunted. We could do all that and more. Our pain in the ass brother Lucky was settling down. He was acting different already. I noticed he hadn’t cracked even one joke yet. Whiskey and I exchanged a glance.

Lucky had finally grown up.

War hadn’t done it. Riding with the brotherhood hadn’t done it. It had just taken one sweet girl and the man had straightened out.

I was definitely in the Kirsten fan club. She reminded me of Molly a bit. Kaylie too. Just as sweet as pie. Almost too good for this world.

Not like the sexy she devil I had at home. My lady was good-hearted but spicy, not sweet. She would get in anyone’s face who messed with me or anyone she loved. Hell, she’d even stand up for Lucky.

Then again, Kirsten was pretty handy with a stiletto… maybe he didn’t need backup anymore. He’d have it until the day he died though. We all would.

Lucky took some photos and started planting stakes. Whiskey and I watched him then turned back to the view of the lake and surrounding woods.

“I still can’t believe our Lucky is all grown up.”

“I know what you mean. Callaway was surprising but this seems like aliens have landed or something.”

I cracked a rare smile.

“She’s a great girl.”

“She’s a Goddamn miracle worker.”

I grunted again. I agreed. He may have been a pain in the ass, but Lucky had always had a kind heart underneath all the trash talking. He just liked pushing buttons. He’d probably been bored all those years. Unfulfilled. Lonely.

And now, just like that, he wasn’t.

He was also extremely sexually frustrated for the first time in his life. A fact that we all found endlessly entertaining. People were taking bets as to how long he would last before he dragged the poor girl to Vegas or something. I was relishing each day that Preacher dragged his heels.

“How long will it take to build?”

I almost laughed at the crazy look in Lucky’s eyes. The man was desperate. I pretended to think about it.

“A year. Maybe two.”


Whiskey slapped my shoulder and then winced and held his hand. He was almost as big as me. But I was the biggest.

“He’s messing with you. We can do this in eight months. Maybe less if we start right away.”

“Maybe six months if you bring in a good crew.”