“Oh Christ!”

My tongue explored him, kissing him the way he’d kissed me. I looked up at him to see that he was watching me with an almost pained look on his face.

“Tell me what to do.”

“Okay… keep kissing it but… oh God… yes. Take it into your mouth, but watch your teeth… good. That’s good. Oh my God, Angel what are you doing to me?”

My hand cupped his balls, holding them gently. I felt them moving inside and figured I was doing something right. I was fascinated by the hot, dense weight of them. I licked my way down his shaft to kiss them and he cursed. Then I pulled him into my mouth again.

“Yes. Like that. Up and down and…” he let out a muffled moan. “I’m going to come. You can… swallow it if you want. Or I can finish myself with my hand…”

I shook my head and sucked harder, wanting him to come in my mouth. I was going to swallow it. I wanted to taste him almost as much as I wanted to have sex.

I bobbed my head up and down, feeling like I was getting the hang of it.


He shouted my name as I felt his cock expand. I kept going, and was rewarded a second later with a hot splash of something salty and thick in my mouth. I swallowed it without thinking and kept going, pulling every bit into my mouth. It pulsed out of him as his body shook and his breathing hitched.

His hands found my hair, holding me as he thrust into my mouth once. Twice. And then he went limp. I looked at him. It looked like he almost wasn’t breathing. His mouth and eyes opened at the same moment as he gasped for air.

I licked my lips as he stared at my mouth and moaned.

“I’m sorry… I couldn’t control myself at the end.”

I was feeling shy but I wanted to know if I did it right.

“Was that… alright?”

He stared at me.

“Alright? Are you kidding me?”

He grabbed me and pulled me against him, rolling us to the side.

“I’ve never felt anything that intense in my entire fucking life. Not even close.” He kissed me. “You are amazing.”


He nodded.

“Yes, really.”

“But I’ve never even done that before.”

He moaned and I felt his cock rising again between us.

“That’s even more amazing. But it’s not what you did. It’s who was doing it. It’s how much you excite me. And it’s the loving way you did it.”


I smiled a little and snuggled against his chest.

“We didn’t break my vow.”

“No. We didn’t.”

I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

“Thank you. I can’t wait to do this again.”

Chapter 31


She wanted to do that again.

My Angel had turned into the best damn cocksucker I’d met in my life. Not that I compared her to anyone. She was incomparable. I felt like I’d barely survived her sweet mouth wrapped around my cock. It had felt too good. I’d come so fast I’d barely known what happened. I was still trying to make sense of what had just happened.

And she wanted to do it again.

I moaned, feeling the familiar ache returning to my balls. They were lighter now. Free. But already filling up again.

Hungry for her.

This woman was going to kill me. On the bright side, at least I would be smiling. The way she’d touched me… used her mouth… I couldn’t believe how quickly she’d made me pop. It wasn’t the sort of thing you were supposed to be good at the first time.

But she was. She was so natural and loving that everything had felt good. She’d kissed my cock like she was kissing my mouth.

I laughed softly, realizing she must have imitated my technique when I was going down on her. My Angel was clever. She was shy and gentle but not ashamed or prudish. She was sweet and still sexy. She was smart and yet humble.

In short, she was perfect. Too good to be real. Definitely too good for me.

I was just going to have to do my best to live up to her example.

I heard a soft little snore and laughed silently again. She was too cute. Then I sobered, remembering how I felt earlier. When I saw the maps.

When I thought she was going to leave me.

My Angel was not going anywhere. Not if I had anything to say about it.

I slid out of bed and pulled on jeans and my shirt. I watched her sleeping for a moment, then covered her up with a blanket and walked barefoot out to the deck. I had to be quiet because Jacey was sleeping upstairs. Her room faced the lake so I would go to the front if I needed to talk.

I texted a couple of the guys to see if anyone had any information for me. Callaway answered back first.