We were at the bottom of the barrel in terms of the American Dream of success and happiness. And now it was worse than that. Now I was a criminal. The cards were even more stacked against us.

Especially now that I’d killed a man.

And there it was. I could see Sal in all his glory. I could feel everything that happened when he tried to hurt me. He’d touched me. Wrapped his hands around my throat. And then I’d… the blood and the terror crashed over me and I curled into myself, hyperventilating with my head on my knees. I didn’t think any amount of praying would ever wash away the stain. I had broken one of the Ten Commandments.

Deep breath. Paint the scene. Paint it… blue.

The blood was not as frightening blue. The room looked fake somehow. Unreal. Like a scene from a movie. Sal looked like a cartoon lying there. Not a dead body. Just a shape on the floor.

My pulse slowed and I was able to get a deep breath. I opened my eyes and immediately noticed that Lucky was distracting Jacey, protecting her from seeing her mom freak out. I had to find a way to repay him, or try, even though I never could.

I couldn’t sleep with him, even though I wanted to for my own selfish reasons. I would find another way.

“Getting tired?”

Jacey nodded with a yawn. One of the many, many great things about the cabin was the stash of board games they had in the built-ins on either side of the fireplace in the living room. Monopoly, cards, even poker chips.

But tonight we were playing our favorite.


The irony was not wasted on me. Every time someone guessed who the killer was, I wanted to scream ‘ME!’ But of course, I didn’t. I would never tell anyone. I had to protect Jacey, never mind Lucky and his friends who had helped me so selflessly. Even if I wanted to confess. To ease the burden of my guilt.

Jacey covered her mouth as she yawned and I decided it was time to call it a night.

“Let’s tuck you in.”

“Do you need a few minutes to set up the room?” Lucky asked. “We can straighten up down here.”

I nodded gratefully and headed up the stairs. I went through the routine, noticing again how much less dust there was. There was no comparison to city living. It was just… cleaner.

I made a mental note to change the sheets the day after tomorrow. I did them every three days like clock work. Dust mites built up after two days and could cause breathing and allergy issues. My sheets I left on for a whole week. I had perfect health and always had. I would trade places with my daughter in a heartbeat if I could.

“Come up and brush your teeth!”

I heard her footsteps and smiled when the water came on in the bathroom across the hall. Jacey was already adjusting, though I was worried about tearing her out of here. If Lucky was as angry as I thought he was going to be… But he wouldn’t be cruel in front of the kid. Even if he hated me, he wouldn’t be cruel to Jacey. And maybe she’d be alright even if we had to leave because Lucky didn’t want this. She was so adaptable. Kids were amazing that way.

Now, her mother on the other hand… well, she is a hot mess.

I sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. I helped Jacey get into her PJs and tucked her in. She was too tired to read for once. Her appetite was better too. It must be the fresh air, I decided.

Another vote for living in the middle of the woods.

I padded down the stairs in my bare feet. It was time to tell Lucky the truth. It was time to see if we could come to some sort of agreement. Maybe, just maybe, he’d be understanding and okay with moving forward slowly.

Or at least finding alternate ways of expressing affection.

I looked in the kitchen and living room but he wasn’t there. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see a sheet fluttering through the air. I walked to the door to look inside.

Lucky was making up the downstairs bedroom.

That was… interesting.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to sleep down here tonight.” He flexed his muscles. “Guard dog mode.”

“Can I… join you?” I blushed at the look in his eyes. He looked surprised and very happy all at once. “For a little while, I mean.”

“Angel, you can join me for as long as you like.”

I looked away, feeling unaccountably shy.

“Why do you call me that?”

He walked closer until he stood a few inches away. He tipped my chin up so I was looking at him. Our faces were so close.