
“Play with those pretty tits for me.”

I tugged my nipples through the lace, tweaking them with my finger tips until they were pointing straight up. Then I pulled the straps down and held my breasts up for his approval. He grunted and continued feasting on me.


He murmured something against my flesh, right before I started to come.


Just as I was coming, he lowered me to the bed and replaced his tongue with his cock. I came as he pushed into me, trying to squeeze his huge shaft as it impaled me. My head was tossing back and forth as he started to ride me. My man knew how to fuck me, there was no doubt. Hard and slow, until he got real close. Then he lost all control. That was my favorite part.

But we weren’t there yet.

He hoisted one thigh and looked between us, watching his huge cock slide in and out of my quivering body. I cried out, feeling myself cresting again. He licked his finger and rubbed my clit, pulling a nipple into my mouth. It was too much. I screamed.

“Fuck.” He started moving faster. “Fuck!”


We knew we only had a few minutes until the kids were at the door. It wasn’t my fault though. It was Jack’s. He’d made me come too hard.


Jack’s thrusts got wild and out of tempo right before he came. I felt his seed splash against my womb and I came again, my body answering his primal call. We lay there, shaking and rocking together until the tremors faded.

Jack moved quick for such a big guy, thank God. He heard the tiny footsteps before I did, and threw a blanket over both of us. Three seconds later our door opened with a loud creak.


I pushed the sweaty hair out of my face.

“It’s late, sweetie. You should be in bed.”

Jack grabbed his towel and managed to wrap himself up without exposing himself.

“Back to bed.” He cast me a smug glance. “Mommy is sorry she woke you up.”

“And Daddy is sorry he forgot to lock the door.”

His shoulders shook with laughter as he shrugged into a pair of jeans and carried our youngest down the hall to bed.

I snuggled into the bed, feeling heavy and sated. I had a funny feeling. A feeling we’d just made a baby.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Chapter 24


“Good morning. What do you like on your pancakes?”

Jacey and Lucky were in the kitchen when I came down the stairs. I yawned and looked at them, self-consciously aware that my face was still puffy from sleep.

Meanwhile, Lucky looked like he was in a men’s magazine. A magazine full of hunks. GQ. Or a catalog for men’s clothing. Of course, most models weren’t quite so muscular or covered in ink.

Oh boy. He is way too sexy. I’m never going to be able to keep my promise.

“What time is it?”

“After ten.”

I never slept that late. I had to admit it felt good. I still felt like I’d been through the wringer, but I was better rested than I’d been in ages.

“Hi, Mom!”

Jacey pulled me in for a big hug then hopped back on the bar stool facing the island. She propped her chin in her hands and watched Lucky cooking, looking utterly content.

I couldn’t remember the last time I had seen her so happy. So at home. Her cute little cheeks rested on her hands as she chatted with Lucky. She looked enraptured.

It looks like I’m not the only one under his spell…

This was the stuff she’d missed out on. The daddy daughter stuff. I felt my stomach drop out from under me. When I told Lucky I couldn’t sleep with him… when he ended it. I wasn’t just going to break my own heart. I was going to break Jacey’s heart, too.

But I couldn’t break my word with God. Not when he had saved me. And we still needed His protection. Jacey would need it for the rest of her life.

And now that I was a murderess, I needed it too.

Not that my faith was contingent on results. It wasn’t. But the miracle of finding the paint thinner and my three matches… it just served as a potent reminder.

One day at a time, Kirsten.

I exhaled. I had to remember that. When Jacey had first been diagnosed, that was the first important lesson I had learned. She didn’t have a guaranteed tomorrow. Nobody did, really. But Jacey had a lot less of a guarantee than everybody else. She deserved every sunny day she could get. Every cozy rainy day reading. Every snow storm and sunset and sunrise.

She deserved a daddy. And you are about to screw that all up. Way to go, Kirsten.

Focus on today. That’s all you have.

For today, we were safe. Jacey was happy. And Lucky didn’t hate me for leading him on.