I didn’t know if this meant I was going to hell.

But while I was here on earth I had one job. I had to take care of Jacey. And I needed help.

I couldn’t call Lucky though. I couldn’t drag him into this on top of everything he had done. And I was sure he would be furious with me once he realized I’d taken off without telling him. So I just tried to think of what he would do.

I needed to get rid of the evidence I realized. My jacket and shoes. I needed to bury them. No! That could be found. I needed to set fire to them… I looked around, wondering if there was someway I could do that.

I didn’t smoke so I didn’t have a lighter. But maybe, just maybe I had some matches.

I squatted on the ground and started rifling through my purse.

Chapter 18


I stood outside Kirsten’s doorway, waiting. I rang the doorbell. I rang it again. I knocked. I frowned. And then I knocked a little louder.

The door opened.

It was not my Angel.

A sweet looking little old lady stood there, looking like I’d just woken her up.


“I’m looking for Kirsten.”

“And you are?”

The lady gave me a protective hen look. I almost smiled at that. I was sure I looked like the big, bad wolf to her.

“I’m her…” I was about to say ‘old man,’ but I was pretty sure that didn’t translate for the general population. “…boyfriend.”

“Oh. Well she’s at work.”

“I thought she took the night off.”

“Last night.” She shook her head. “You young folk really need to keep better track of each other.”

I managed to control myself until she shut the door. I could hear the blood pounding in my veins. I wanted to scream or break things.

I took the stairs down two at a time until I was out in the streets. I turned on the guys. I was ready to start tearing people’s heads off.

“She got out. How?”

They looked at each, then back at me.

“You sure?” Johnson scratched his head. “Maybe out the back?”

“Willis was back there all day.”

“Willis. Did you watch the back all day?”

He nodded, but I could see the uncertainty in his eyes.

“Yeah, except to take a piss when the shifts were changing.”


They all flinched. I told them to saddle up. I stopped and held up my hand.

“This is a dangerous situation. Go home if you need to. But if you are coming, let’s ride.”

Nobody bailed. I wasn’t surprised. Especially after they fucked up so badly. The wind was blowing hard as we rode hell for leather toward the edge of town. I was a hybrid animal, part beast and part bike, ready to tear the world apart to get my woman. I don’t think I had a coherent thought the whole ride over. I was acting on pure instinct. The girl had gotten under my skin and now she was in me.

Nobody hurt women on my watch. It was as ingrained as my love of this great country. It was not going down. I would have helped her even if she was a stranger. But she wasn’t a stranger. She was my Angel.

I was off my ride and running before everyone was behind me. The door was open a crack, with Joey guarding it half-heartedly. I pushed past him and ran into the room. Paulie stood up when he saw me and the bikers spilling into the room behind me like a tidal wave. Something was wrong. I could feel it instantly.

Angel was not at her table.

Paulie started towards me. I ran at him. The big man actually took a step back. I grabbed his shirt and his gun at the same time. I held his gun out, pointing it right at him.

“Where is she?”

“It was you. You paid him off.”

“Where is she?”

“You don’t want to do this, Lucky.”

“It’s already done.” I shook him slightly. “Where is she?”

“In his office.”

“Show me.”

The Sons of Satan were fanning out around the room behind me. Only six of us, but it was enough. I was sure they were texting the others. Pretty sure this place would soon be painted black with leather.

I followed Paulie down the hall with a gun in his back.

“Boss? We got company.”

No answer. Paulie looked at me. He knocked louder.

“Open it.”

He reached for the handle and turned it.

“It’s locked.” He frowned. “Something’s wrong. Bad wrong.”

I nodded. I felt it too. If she was in there. If she was hurt. I would never forgive myself.

“You got a key?”

He nodded and started fumbling with a huge ring of keys in his pocket.

“Can you take the gun out of my back now? I don’t want to see him hurt the kid either.”

I lowered his gun but held onto it. I was going to need it to kill Sal. And I planned on killing him.