I had a plan.

A taxi was meeting me around the corner from my apartment building in twenty minutes. Jacey was going to bed early, to read. I would get her settled as soon as she finished her second helping of veggies. Then I would sneak out through the basement to the back of the building.

From there, I’d hoof it to the corner of Wilston and Broad street. I just hoped no one mistook me for a hooker on the way. The dress really was revealing, not to mention the red lipstick that Sal required we all wear. I hoped the sneakers and windbreaker would make me look less like a street walker.

As to how I would get home, I had no idea.

I couldn’t really believe it had worked.

There had been a guy on the side street by the alley. But he’d gotten distracted by his buddies changing shifts. I’d managed to sneak past him when he wasn’t looking. I had to be fast and quiet.

It was a damn good thing I was wearing sneakers, was all I had to say.

The taxi driver gave me a weird look when I told him where I was going. I handed him an extra twenty without saying a word. He shrugged and drove me all the way through the industrial part of town, following my directions to the Garage.

I paid him with another twenty and paused, my hand on the door.

“What are the chances you would pick me up here early in the morning?”

He looked at me in the rearview mirror and then handed me his card. I sighed in relief and nodded, saying a very sincere ‘thank you.’

So what if it cost me almost half my weekly earnings to get here and back? At least I wouldn’t be in breach of my contract. Most of the money I’d gotten from Sal had gone towards medicine for Jacey. Then there were the doctor bills, rent, food and clothing. All the tests she needed were extra as well. I would have to ask for a bigger loan if she ever got into one of the experimental drug trials I had signed her up for.

Those trials were free, but they were all over the country. Getting there and staying there was what cost money. A lot of money, unfortunately.

I walked on unsteady legs towards the Garage. Paulie came outside and stared at me. He started shaking his head in warning, trying to shoo me away. I turned to look for the cab but he was gone. When I turned back, Sal was standing there.

“Get your ass in here! NOW!”

I froze in place. I had to move. I had to do something.

Paulie was frowning as I climbed the steps.

“What are you doing here, girl?” he mumbled under his breath.

I shook my head and walked down the hallway to the main room.

“My office. Now.”

Sal didn’t wait for me to obey. He grabbed my arm and dragged me down the dark maze of corridors to his office. He let go of me and slammed the door.

Please don’t lock it, please don’t lock it, please don’t lock it

He locked it.

I stood there, realizing I had made a very serious miscalculation. For whatever reason, Sal was furious with me. Lucky didn’t know I was here. Even if he did, there was no way through that door. I was completely on my own.

There was a very good chance I was not going to make it home to Jacey. Ever again.

My legs almost gave out at the thought.

“Who the hell do you think you are, you bitch?” He came close, screaming in my face. “You tell my boss you want out? You go over my head?”

“No. Sal, I would never…”

He held up an envelope, green hundred dollar bills practically spilling out from it.

“Then why the fuck did they pay your tab? Tell me that?”

I stared at the thick wad of cash in his hand.

“I didn’t. I… I don’t know who did.”

But I did. I knew in an instant. Lucky had settled my debt.

Lucky must have paid off Vincent for me.

I gripped the back of a chair when I started to fade out of consciousness. I was barely holding on. I felt like I was going to pass out.

“This is an insult!” He started pacing, muttering to himself in a mix of English and Italian. He was really working himself up. I saw spitballs forming at the corners of his mouth. I clutched my high heels in one hand and the back of the chair in the other. Maybe if I reached into my bag I could text for help. I could text Lucky…

“You fucking him?”


I snapped to attention. Sal was looking at me with a calculating look on his face. He was planning something. I could tell that whatever it was did not bode well for me.