“Yes. It looks like I’m staying home tonight.”

Jacey threw her arms around me and I melted, not caring for a moment if I got in trouble. She must really be missing having me there as much as I missed being with her.

“I’m so glad, Mom.”

“Come on.” I ruffled her hair and stood. “Why don’t I make you a snack while you do your school work?”

She nodded happily and followed me back to the living room.

I didn’t know how I could tell Sal I wasn’t coming. I would pay for this, I knew. But I was relieved at the same time. I was exhausted and I didn’t want to go back and face them. What if that fed came back? No, I was more than happy to stay home tonight.

I went out and searched through the fridge. There were so many options. Lucky had really outdone himself. I bit my lip and decided what to make for my sweet girl.

Chapter 13


“Okay, Lucky. Fill us in.”

The guys were all at the clubhouse, waiting for me. I looked from Dev, to Jack, to Donnie, to Mac, to Callaway, and to Drake.

“First, I want to hear what Drake has to say.”

Donnie was still giving me a hard time about Angel. They were all enjoying this way too much. They had taunted me since I got back from deployment, saying I was next.

“So, what’s she like?” Johnson smirked at me and held out his hands to symbolize boobs. “She hot?”

“Shut up, Johnson. This doesn’t concern you.”

I scowled at the new recruit until he wandered away. Everyone looked at Drake since he was the only one who had seen my Angel so far. I sighed and had a sip of the massive to go coffee I’d ordered from Mae’s, along with my dinner. Actually, I’d ordered two coffees.

“Caffeine much?”

“You guys need a decent fucking coffee pot.”

Cal rolled his eyes and slammed his hand on the bar.

“Drake. Start talking or I will make your life a living hell.”

I almost laughed at that. Cal was never at the club anymore. He was too busy with his hot new wife. I was the one who’d been hazing the new recruits. But Drake cleared his throat. Rank was rank and Cal was senior to him.

“It’s like Lucky says. She’s an angel.”

“So she’s beautiful.”

It wasn’t a question.

“Yeah really beautiful. But she’s also like… angelic?”

I snorted. Drake was not exactly good with big words, but it was hard to describe someone like Kirsten. He’d done a pretty good job.

“And she kept her cool when they tried to crowd her.” Drake shook his head. “Made me sick to see them trying to trade a sweet girl like that.”

“Trade?” Jack’s voice was a low grow. He hated when women were mistreated. Women and kids. Anyone who couldn’t protect themselves, really. I looked around at my friends. They all had their chests puffed out. I knew they all felt that way.

I knew they would have helped me anyway, but seeing them all go alpha protector at once was kind of hilarious. Dev was scowling. Donnie cracked his knuckles. Mac was gripping the rag he’d been wiping the bar with so hard his fingers were turning white.

“Yeah, this crooked fed comes in and basically tells her that Sal gave her to him. She didn’t have a choice.” Drake looked shaken by the whole thing. “She was scared out of her mind. They got something on her. It’s bad.”

“Fuck! How did Vincent and Antonio let something like this happen?” Donnie wanted to know. Dev nodded pensively.

“That’s not like them. They don’t abuse women.”

“She said they were keeping Sal on a leash. But she didn’t know how long it would be until it snapped.”

They all cursed at that. Even Jack. And the big man didn’t curse much these days. He said it was too hard to control it in front of the kids if it was a habit.

“Where is she now?”

“Home. I have guys out front.” I took a sheepish sip of my coffee. “And I had Jersey boot her car.”

Callaway howled with laughter. They all did. I scowled.

“She would have gone back there if I hadn’t! The woman is determined to pay her debts!”

“What are we going to do about it?”

I looked at Mac. My heart fucking swelled. These guys were amazing. I loved every last one of them like a brother. Even Johnson, who was still eavesdropping.

Hell, I loved that fucker too.

“I’m going to deal with Vincent directly.”

“Tony can be easier to deal with.”

“Yeah, but it’s better to go to Vincent. He’s the oldest and next in line.” I shrugged. “It’s a respect thing.”

“Tell him you want to talk to them both,” Dev suggested. “That’s a real sign of respect.”

“Fuck. That’s a good idea. Thanks, Dev.”

“Then what?”

I stood up and patted my jacket. I’d stopped by the bank on the way to the clubhouse. I had twenty grand in cash in there. And I’d get more if that’s what it took.