“She needs good stuff. The best.”

“Right,” he nodded. The produce looked kind of tired and I had no idea what to get. I saw a kid stocking the shelves.

“Where’s the best stuff?”

“Best?” The kid scratched his nonexistent beard.

“The fancy shit. Prepared foods. Money is no object.”

“Oh, you want the organic market.”

“That’s where Janet and Kaylie shop,” piped up Mac. How the fuck he knew that, I had no clue. “Sallie too.”

“Where’s that?”

“I’ve been there with Jack and Dev to pick stuff up.”

We pushed our empty carts out to the parking lot. I rolled my eyes as Mac put them neatly back in the queue. I decided against giving him shit about it though, since he was the only one who knew where the organic market was.

Another ten minutes and we had new carts and were walking around a new market, which had been designed to look it was a hundred years old. The old fashioned industrial school house lights, the rustic painted cabinets, everything was clean and fancy. They even had shellfish resting in barrels of ice near the fish counter. I shook my head. It was a far cry from the places I went to grab shit when I got hungry.

Of course, I didn’t exactly have a kitchen at the clubhouse so I mostly ate out. I basically ran on Mexican and diner food. And booze. Lots of booze.

“Crazy, man.”

“Girls love this stuff.”

I nodded wisely, even though I had zero clue about what chicks liked outside the bedroom. They never made me work for it. So I’d never done any recon. I’d never cared.

As of right now, I was in a whole new world. A world where I gave a damn and wanted to please one very special lady. And damned if I wasn’t going to give it my all.

Just remembering the way she’d felt in my arms… it was off the fucking charts. She was so perfect, so feminine and sweet and delicious. I couldn’t wait to get back and kiss her some more. Yes, even if that’s all we did.

The last time I’d kissed someone without anything else was back in junior fucking high school. Hell, I barely kissed at all. But with her? I could do it for hours and be happy as a fucking clam.

I looked around, wondering where to start.

I headed straight for the coffee aisle and started grabbing stuff. Organic stuff. Dark roast. Light roast. She liked coffee, at least. I knew that much. I saw a new coffee maker and got that too. And a grinder for the beans. And mugs. And a thermos so she could take her coffee with her when she went out.

Meanwhile, Mac tracked down someone to help us. He came back with a friendly looking middle-aged lady with a round face and sensible shoes.

“Can I help you?”

“I need healthy stuff. Fresh. And prepared. Stuff girls like.”

The older woman smiled at me like she knew a secret. Hell, she was a female so maybe she did. She nodded and told us to come with her. She kept asking me if I wanted to look at the prices and I kept telling her it didn’t matter.

I even got some stuff that I knew how to cook. Chicken, steak and eggs. That was pretty much my skill set. Didn’t matter. We were covered either way.

I’d fucking learn to cook if I had to.

I wanted to do that for Angel. To make sure she was well-fed and happy. Safe.

It was crazy, but I knew without a doubt that I’d do anything for her. Step in front of a bullet. Anything.

“What’s this?” I held up a bottle of something in the yogurt section.

The clerk gave me a funny look but explained.


“Yeah, but what is it?”

“It’s like yogurt but you drink it. Healthier too. Less sugar.” She held up another bottle. “This is dairy free.”

“What’s it made of then?”

“Fermented coconut milk.”

“Great. Let’s get some of that.”

Finally, our carts were so overstuffed that even the clerk told me it was enough. I frowned, not sure. But it would have to do for now.

I’d go shopping again tomorrow if she didn’t like any of this. I’d take her out to dinner. And then I’d make love to her until dawn and feed her breakfast in bed.

We got some odd looks as we rolled through the place but we’d managed to completely load up two carts full. I even got my Angel some non-toxic cleaning products and paper towels. I grabbed some ultra soft toilet paper.

My Angel’s cute little ass deserved the best.

Mac helped me load up and drive back to Kirsten’s apartment. He carried everything into her apartment with me. It took us three trips with our arms full. We fucking tiptoed through the place to make sure not to wake her up, even though the floorboards creaked. I thanked him quietly and reminded him to ask Jack about a place to live.