Her hair was down tonight, secured on one side with a clip. It was longer than I’d realized, silky and shiny too. I mused to myself that she would look good to me no matter what. Thin, curvy, long hair, no hair.

She was that perfect.

I knew the exact moment she saw me. Her hands froze mid-deal. It felt like time stopped. And then she shook herself, and started dealing again. It was so fast that I don’t think anyone would have noticed. But I did.

Because for a split second, my Angel had looked happy to see me.

Chapter 8


He was here.

Lucky was here.

Of course he was.

A long string of curse words sprang to mind. The kind I would never say out loud. He was going to get himself killed! Or maybe… maybe being in the local motorcycle club would keep him safe? Even Sal wouldn’t want to mess with hundreds of bikers.

I scanned the room and realized there was another one here. He was watching me too. I saw him glance at Lucky and relaxed slightly.

Lucky isn’t stupid, Kirsten. See? He brought backup.

I couldn’t do anything about it anyway. So I put my head down and did my job. I did feel slightly better knowing he was here as time went on. I did my best not to even look at him, but I could feel him. It didn’t make sense but it was true. The room just felt different with him there.

After a few hours, I took a break, just long enough to use the restroom and sit down for a few minutes. I was in the hallway, eating another package of saltines when a shadow fell over me.

I looked up and saw Lucky’s handsome face staring down at me.

“Lucky. What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you, Angel.”

“I told you not to do that.”

“I know.” He smiled at me and my heart did a little flip-flop. He really was too good looking for his own good. “But I’m not very good at following orders.”

“I thought you were in the military.” I brushed the crumbs off my hands and stood up. “I have to get back. Don’t let them see you back here.”

He nodded, not moving away. He just stared at me, standing way too close. I found myself staring at his lips. He was staring at mine too. He moved closer, and I found myself leaning against the wall, with Lucky’s arms boxing me in. I was out of breath, anticipating his kiss.

Shuffling footsteps rang out, just around the corner. My head pivoted, afraid that Sal or Paulie would turn the corner and see us. I looked back and Lucky was gone.

I exhaled loudly. That was close. I knew I’d spend the rest of the night wondering why I hadn’t stopped him from almost kissing me.

And wishing he had actually had the chance to.

Everything started to slow down around 4:00 AM. I was really dragging tonight. Tired and out of sorts. My table hadn’t attracted any winning streaks, thank Goodness.

I hadn’t figured out how to cheat yet, and I really didn’t want to find out. If someone hit a winning streak, I would just close down my table for a bathroom break. I would keep Sal at arm’s distance and be free of my debt in a year or two.

As long as Lucky didn’t piss them off, I counted myself almost safe. For now, anyway.

I did feel safer with the big biker here. His friend too. They looked meaner than the mob guys but they weren’t. Looks really were deceiving in this case.

I checked my phone a little later in the hallway. All was well. We were nearly ready to close for the night.

“Get back on the floor. We’ve got a live one.”

I groaned and stood up from the rickety chair near the lockers the girls all stowed our stuff in. We did not get paid by the hour. And since I was the low woman on the totem pole, I was always the last to be sent home.

I had a feeling Sal’s creepy fascination with me had something to do with it as well.

I walked back into the room. There were four players waiting at my table. Lucky was one of them. His friend sat at an empty table, watching. Two of the guys were regulars, friends of Sal’s. The new guy was someone I’d never seen before.

I nearly stumbled when I got closer. The guy was leering at me so obviously that I almost lost my footing. He licked his lips crassly as he looked me over.

Way too thoroughly.

Skin crawling, I took my spot in the little inner circle part of the table for the dealers. My feet were killing me. And unless this was a quick game, I was going to miss breakfast with Jacey.

I never missed breakfast with Jacey.