“Come in.”

He grinned at me, but I shook my head.

“I can’t.”

“Okay.” He smiled again. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

I opened my mouth to tell him no, but he was too fast. He was right there, suddenly, his body close and giving off so much heat. His eyes were on my lips. One hand gripped my waist, turning me to face him. The other gripped my neck, holding my head in place.

I should have been mad. I should have slapped him. But I was too shocked. I only had one thought.

His lips are so soft.

He nuzzled my lips with his, then ran his tongue over them. I sighed at the sensation. He slipped his tongue inside and I kissed him back, without even thinking about it. He made a sound of pure male satisfaction as our tongues danced. The kiss kept going until I came to my senses.

I twisted my head away. He was staring at me hungrily. Like he was thinking about dragging me into the clubhouse and having his way with me.

The truth was, I was thinking about that too.

But it was never, ever going to happen.

“Don’t do that again.”


“Kiss me.”

He stared at my lips and shook his head.

“I can’t make any promises, Angel.”

Then he was gone. I backed up quickly, resisting the urge to look in the rearview mirror. I was sure he was watching me drive away.

What the hell just happened?

I parked in front of our apartment building and sat there, my fingers touching my lips. An extremely good-looking and extremely drunk guy had just kissed me. It had been surprising to say the least.

But what was more surprising was this: it was the best kiss I’d had in my entire life. My whole body felt lit up. I shook my head and chalked it up to my new, weird life.

Always an adventure, if nothing else.

I grabbed my purse and looked down. He’d left the money. I cursed. This was not good. I was too tempted to keep it. I really needed money desperately but it was wrong to take a tip this big.

And I didn’t like feeling like I owed someone something.

I’d just give it back the next time I saw him. It might be smarter just to leave it at the club for him. But I wanted to see him again when he was sober. To see if he was still so sweet and strange. Because he was weird, with all that ‘angel’ talk.

I was curious, I told myself. That was all.

I was getting better and better at lying to myself these days.

Chapter 5


I stared at the ceiling, counting the cracks. I saw shapes full of hidden meaning for the first time. Everything looked different to me.

Because of her.

How many times did a guy like me get to meet an angel on earth? My Angel, I decided. That was her name. I had to have her. Be with her. Look at her whenever I wanted to. Just soak her up. I was having all kinds of fantasies about the things we could do together.

Naked things, of course.

But also… not naked. I’d never even thought about taking a woman out to eat or go for a walk. Now I was trying to think of ways to get her to eat food in front of me.

I really wanted to watch different things disappear into her gorgeous mouth. Ice cream. Sausage. Spaghetti. Bonus points if she had to lick them.

Yeah, I’d take her out for ice cream for sure.

I grinned stupidly. Sure, I was still a little bit drunk. It was 4:00 PM and I’d finally woken from my nap. But I still felt as crazy good as I had the night before when I first laid eyes on her.

I was drunk on Angel, and that one kiss.

Even just talking to her was incredible… I smiled again. She was so nice. Not just outrageously beautiful with a body made for sin. Not just elegant and classy and special. She was fucking nice on top of it.

She hadn’t had to be. Even after I stumbled in front of her car. Nobody had to be nice to anyone. Even if you wanted to sleep with them.

But she’d been nice to me.

I rolled onto my stomach, pressing my hard cock into the bed. It’s too bad she was playing hard to get. We could be here right now. I could be between her thighs, tasting her, making her moan. And then I’d take my big cock and push it inside her. I’d ride her for hours, soaked in her juices. No, not hours.

Days. Weeks. Months.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

It’s not going to be that easy, Lucky.

She wasn’t just playing hard to get.

The girl was hard to get.

She wasn’t like the club girls who came around, looking for a biker. Some of them wanted to be old ladies, some of them just had a fetish for men who lived with danger. The Marines had groupies too. Girls had never been hard for me, even before all that. Maybe I’d been spoiled by having easy tail around since puberty. I’d been a football player in high school.