Mike nodded and walked over to his car. He'd been behind the bar all night working so she wasn't afraid to get into the car with him.

But she wanted to stay here. With Jack.

"Wait- Jack- what's wrong?” She stood there, feeling like a fool. Her voice sounded weak and insecure to her. But she tried again anyway. “Did I do something wrong?”

He stared at her so coldly that she dropped her hand from where it had grasped his jacket. But she didn't give up. She couldn't.

"When can I see you again?"

"No repeat customers."

She felt her stomach drop as she watched him grab a scantily dressed girl standing nearby and throw her over his shoulder. He didn’t want Janet after all. He just wanted to get laid.

And not by her.

She turned away and followed Mike meekly to his car, feeling sick.

Once again, she'd ruined everything.

She just didn't know how.

Chapter Twenty-Two



Jack thrust the blond girl away from him as soon as he was inside the club. He stalked up to the bar and held out his hand. Without a word Donnie handed him the rest of the bottle of tequila.

He pulled on it deeply, filled with self loathing.

He'd almost taken her in a Goddamn alleyway! Next to the trash. He'd treated her like trash.

He closed his eyes, seeing her tear filled eyes as he'd thrust her toward Mike. Why should she care if a piece of garbage like him didn't want her? It didn’t make a lick of sense.

But she had cared. She'd cared enough to make her cry.

He’d made her cry, dammit.

He had a shit ton of work to do in the morning, a lucrative custom job, but he didn't care. He didn't care about anything in that moment.

"Hey, I heard you hit that sweet piece of tail in the back! Let us know if you are through with her, would you? I’d sure like a taste.”

He looked slowly over his shoulder and saw Frankie K. The red haired son of a bitch was waiting for him to high five him.

Jack's mind went blank. He saw everything that happened next through a haze of red. It was like he wasn't even there. In the back of his mind, he wished he wasn't.

Him grabbing Frankie's hand. Him crushing his hand in his fist. Him pummeling the guy into the ground until someone pulled him off of him.

Not someone. A bunch of guys. He'd find out later it had taken five guys to pull him back.

Frankie was screaming as he held his broken hand on the ground. Donnie pulled Jack away.

"You better jam, man."

Jack almost laughed. As if that piece of shit crying on the floor mattered.

As if anything mattered anymore.

He picked up the fallen tequila bottle and stalked out of the bar to the back stairs and up onto the roof.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Janet crawled back into her window, the frame biting painfully into her stomach. She didn't care though. She didn't care about anything.

Jack didn’t want her. He was probably in bed with that other girl right now. Touching her… kissing her like he’d touched Janet. He was a badass who could have any girl he wanted.

He’d been horny and she had been there. That was it. End of story.

She was an idiot for reading anything more into it than that.

As soon as her feet hit the ground the light flicked on. Her mother sat on her bed while her father stood by the doorway. They'd been waiting for her.

Oh no…

She wasn't even surprised. Nothing could surprise her at this point. Jack had picked up another girl in front of her. As if she meant nothing to him. As if she were replaceable.

Obviously, she was.

She stared numbly at her parents as they started to yell at her.

She was a disappointment.

(That didn't surprise her.)

She was to be harshly punished.

(Not exactly surprising either.)

She was going to be locked in her bedroom until further notice.

That last one she managed to respond to, rolling her eyes.

"What if I have to go to the bathroom, mom?"

Her eyes widened as her mother held out a bucket.

"You're joking."

"No, I am not. This is for your own good. You will not be coming out until we can be sure you won't humiliate us again. We know where you've been going and with whom."

Janet's jaw dropped. She almost forgot about Jack for a moment. Almost.

"Bikers Janet? Really?"

Her mother's cheeks were red with fury.

“You have humiliated me for the last time, young lady.”

So that's what she was worried about. Her good name. Give me a break. Janet's world tilted as her father shook his head sadly.

They stood up and walked out of the room, shutting it behind them. She heard a dead bolt slide into place.

"What if I need some water?"

"There's a bottle on your desk."

She turned to see a small bottle of water. How long would that last? How long did they plan to keep her in there???