Fuck, now he was really getting hard. He looked away and forced himself to think about something distasteful. His childhood. Basically any moment from the age of 3-14 would do.

Before he'd been big enough to fight.

It worked. His body calmed down and he exhaled in relief. He raised his eyes again just as they came toward him.

Keep it together Jack.

Don’t forget.

She’s not for you.

Chapter Nine


Janet felt her heart leap in her chest at the sight of him. He was here. The Viking. He was looking at her with a slight scowl, as if he'd just tasted something bitter, like biting into a lemon.

Well, there goes her theory that he liked her. Nope. Not even a little.

He certainly didn't look like he'd been thinking about her the way she'd been thinking about him for the past two days. She wished she'd known he was going to be there.

She would have taken more time with her hair, her makeup, her outfit…

Then again, he was looking at her.

As they got closer she could see that he was staring at her legs again. No, higher. He was staring at her, right between her legs. He looked hungry. She almost fell over in shock.

Maybe she hadn’t been wrong after all.

"Hey man."

Jack nodded in greeting but he didn't move his eyes from her body. They slid up slowly, inspecting her. She felt her legs getting rubbery as his gaze flicked over her breasts and finally lifted to her face. She licked her lips nervously and his scowl increased.

What was going on with this guy?

Heat pooled in her belly. Just by looking at her he'd turned her to putty. He’d done more to her than any man alive, just with his eyes.

Not that he appeared to care one way or the other. She literally could not figure out if he liked her or hated her. Or maybe it was a little bit of both.

She decided that it would be better to ignore him. Completely. Act like she wasn’t melting into a puddle of swooning goo every time he glanced in her direction.

Just pretend he isn’t getting to you. It will salvage your pride and maybe, just maybe it will make him crazy for you.

Decision made, she tossed her hair and walked into the mall.

"Come on, Kaylie. Don't forget to keep an eye out for any help wanted signs."

She could have sworn the scowl on his face got even deeper when she walked past him. She didn't even glance back to see Kaylie and the guys follow her into the mall.

Scowl all you want, big boy.

Chapter Ten


This was hell.

He was at the mall, and this was actual hell.

As a Devil’s Rider he should feel right at home. But he didn’t. He shifted his weight, trying to will his hard on away.

He had perma-boner. Thanks to her.

Jack stood outside the store as Kaylie and Janet tried on clothes. He'd been inside, standing with Dev until Janet had tried on a slinky red dress that molded to her curves. He'd felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach.

She looked ridiculously sexy- like a dancer on one of those stupid TV shows. It was way too provocative. He wanted to rip it off of her. He could picture the torn dress in his hands as she stood naked in front of him.

He wanted it. That crumpled, torn scrap of fabric in his hands. He'd never wanted anything so badly in his life.

Arousal had come crashing through him. He couldn't figure out why. Not only was she obviously a spoiled little headstrong brat, but the rich daddy’s girl was going out of her way to ignore him.

Unless… did that mean she liked him?

Girls did stuff like that all the time from what he'd heard. He moaned. The last thing he needed was some little stuck up girl messing with his peace of mind.

Best to ignore her. She'd go away eventually. They always did.

Unless one of the other guys claimed her for themselves.

He frowned, not liking that idea. He did not like it at all. In fact, he hated it.

But that's what would happen if she kept hanging around the club. He was sure of it. He'd already heard some of the other Spawns talking about "that hot little redhead piece." Being a friend of Dev's old lady made her off limits for the rough stuff, but plenty of guys would be happy to call her their woman.

Claim her. Make her an old lady, for good.

Not Jack of course. He didn't want anything permanent. Especially not with her.

But the thought of her with another man irked him for some reason. Maybe he could discourage her from coming around. That would solve the problem. If he didn't have to see it, he didn't have to deal with it.

Out of sight, out of mind.

They came out of the store, Kaylie swinging a bag in her hand. Janet's hands were empty. That meant she hadn't bought that skimpy piece of fabric they were calling a dress.