Other places too.

Forget that he was an outlaw biker- eyelashes like that on a man should be criminal. He jerked his eyes away and that was it, whatever electric current she’d felt leap between them was gone.

He nodded at her, and then at Kaylie. And then he turned around and stalked back to the spot he'd been occupying across the room. He hadn’t said even one word.

Janet's mouth must have been open as she stared at him. He was - Jesus - he was a little bit scary! Kaylie giggled and sipped the fresh drink that Donnie had just placed in front of her.

"Don't mind, Jack. He's not as mean as he looks."

"He isn't?"

Devlin grinned and grabbed the beer Donnie served him without asking.

"Jack's one of the best people I know. He just doesn't like to brag about it." He grinned. “Or anything, really.”

Janet glanced over her shoulder. She could have sworn Jack was scowling at her. But he turned his gaze so sharply that she couldn't be sure.

His name was Jack. And he was beautiful, in an utterly terrifying way. Kind of like a Bond villain. Or a super villain in a cartoon.

And oh, so manly.

She sighed and sipped her drink. She knew what she would be dreaming about that night…

Chapter Four


He stood by the door, letting his gaze soften as he took in everything at once. One thing kept catching his eye though, no matter how hard he tried to not to stare.


Shiny and bright as a new penny. Not just her hair either. With her long legs and stunning face, she was physically stunning. But it was more than that.

The damn girl sparkled with zest and curiosity. She shouldn’t be here. Not even with Kaylie. There was something about Janet. She didn’t seem like stuff would just roll off her the way some people did.

She seemed like she would absorb it. Every bit. And this kind of place was the wrong thing for a shiny penny like her to absorb.

She was too good for guys like him to even look at her.

“Do me a favor man?”

He nodded. Dev knew he would do anything for him, or the club.

But especially Dev and Donnie.

“My old lady is here tonight, we got to keep things extra chill.”

Jack grunted in agreement. He liked Dev’s new woman. First woman, really. Dev had never been serious about a female in his life.

You would think it would soften him but instead it made him harder. More ferocious.

Well, other than the flowers and chocolates he brought her. He’d gotten her a leather jacket and a helmet too. Gloves for riding. And a pair of motorcycle boots.

She was his old lady, there was no doubt about that.

“Oh and her friend too. Kaylie said she’s a good girl so keep the dogs away.”

Jack’s eyes darted to the girl. He’d noticed her alright. It was impossible not to. His cock was paying attention, throbbing in his jeans just from looking at her.

It had been a long damn time since he’d gotten hard without meaning to. And if she could do that to him, he knew the room was full of boners.

Keeping guys away from her was going to be next to impossible. Those legs alone could start a riot. Never mind the silky red hair that made his fingers itch to grab it and wrap it around his rough and calloused hands.

He’d use it to tilt her head back so he could ravage her mouth with his.

“She’s had a hard time. She’s under the club’s protection now, too.”

Jack raised an eyebrow.


Dev laughed and slapped Jack’s shoulder.

“I know man, like waving a red flag at a bull. But I know you are up to the challenge.”

Jack just crossed his arms and stared straight ahead, going back to seeing everything and nothing at once.

People thought he was stoic, a giant piece of rock. But it wasn’t true.

He knew he could bleed. He knew it better than most.

He knew he had to be vigilant. Stay on his guard. Be ready to fight to protect himself and anyone he cared about.

He had learned that early.

Chapter Five


"What's he doing over there?"

Three drinks later, and Janet could not get the guy out of her mind. He'd been standing alone all night, surveying the room. He had literally not moved in hours.

"He's protecting us."


Kaylie leaned in.

"It can get kind of crazy in here. Jack's making sure nothing gets started while we are here."


A funny feeling was settling in the pit of her stomach. He was protecting them. She felt safe suddenly. Safer than she had in a long time.

Maybe ever.

Kaylie was giggling. She didn't drink too often. Janet was feeling a bit giddy herself.

"They call him the Viking. But don't do it! He hates it."

She took another sip, staring at Jack from under her hair.

"Does he ever talk?"