"Who owns this place?"

He glanced over his shoulder at her.

"I do."

She raised her eyebrows and looked around.

"This elevator has a lot of possibilities."

He turned sharply and threw the lever. His mouth opened as he gathered her meaning. He took a deep breath and shook his head to clear it.

Was he blushing?

He started the elevator again.

"I'm going to remember that you said that."

She felt a funny little dip in her stomach at his words. They sounded like a promise.

The elevator stopped at the third floor and he raised the gate. Janet looked around in wonder. It was an enormous loft. The kind you saw in magazines about wealthy New York Artists.

It was clean and spartan, with very little furniture. There were a few things here and there, a table and chairs under a long bank of windows. Bookshelves.

Jack read books?

And there against the back wall was an enormous bed. It looked like a California King. Of course it was. A big man like him needed a big bed. It rested on some sort of platform built out of wood.

“We can get more stuff if you want. You can pick it out. Whatever you want.”

She looked at him curiously. He'd set her bags down and was watching her carefully. She ran her fingers over the back of a heavy wooden chair.

"It's beautiful Jack. I love the furniture. Where did you get all of this?"

"I made it."

She stared at him, momentarily dumbstruck. Then she smiled at him. He looked so serious and she wanted to make him smile again. His smile made him light up.

"Is there anything you can't do?"

He smiled. An adorably lop sided grin that softened his face. For a split second she saw the little boy toiling in the kitchen. Unloved and uncared for. Her heart broke a little bit.

And then he said something so sweet it made her heart melt.

"I can't dance."

She laughed. She couldn't help it. Then she saw the metal staircase leading upwards.

"What's that?"

He took her hand and led her towards it.

"Come on. I want to show you something."

Chapter Forty-Three


Jack pushed open the door to the roof. He'd only just begun building the deck up here in his spare time. But it was going to be spectacular when he finished. He stole a look at Janet to see what she thought.

“It’s incredible!”

She was smiling and spinning in a circle.

"You can see the mountains from here!"

He walked over to a tarp and lifted it to reveal his tools.

"It's not done yet."

She was giving him an odd look suddenly. She looked… suspicious.

"How many girls have you brought up here, Jack?"

"None. Not ever. Listen, Red…”

She looked up at him.

“There hasn’t been anyone in a long time. And before that it was just- once in a while.”

“Really? But they must have offered…”

“No comment.”

She giggled and hugged her chest with her arms. He stared at her long, beautiful legs. She was still wearing his t-shirt. He hoped she'd make a habit of wearing his shirts around the house. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

Here goes nothing.

Here goes everything.

"I want you."

She tossed her head in that familiar proud way. He grinned.

"You've already had me, remember? Four times."

She arched her eyebrow at him, daring him to answer that.

"No, Red. I mean I want you. Permanently."

Her eyes opened wide.

"You do?"

He nodded and smiled at her uncertainly, just a little bit worried about what she might say. That was a lie. He was a lot worried.

He was afraid.

She cocked her hip and gave him a sassy look.

“I thought you didn't do repeat customers.”

“I never have before. I never… wanted to before.”

She was beside him in an instant, laughing as she planted tiny kisses all over his face. He leaned down and took her lips. Ten minutes later he had a thought.

They should finish unloading the car so he could take it back to Dev.

His body molded itself to hers instinctively as she pressed herself into his with equal force.

Dev was going to have to wait.

Chapter Forty-Four


Devlin sat at the bar at the clubhouse, killing time before Kaylie got off of work. He spent a lot of time waiting on his woman these days. And he didn’t mind a bit.

He waved as Jack walked into the room and crossed to the bar. He laid Dev's keys on the counter.


"No problem man! I was psyched to try out your sick ride."

Donnie leaned on the bar and leered at them suggestively, handing Jack a ginger ale.

"Speaking of rides…"

He let the words hang suggestively, making Jack scowl furiously. Devlin couldn't help but laugh and slap Jack's back.

"How is Janet? Kaylie's been out of her mind with worry."

Dev and Donnie stared at Jack as a slow smile lit up his face. They'd never seen him smile that like before. Hell, they'd never seen him smile period.

“She’s good.”


He downed his ginger ale and nodded. Then he walked out of the clubhouse. An odd out of tune sound followed him as he left.