"What the hell, Jack!"

He shrugged, liking the way the wet t-shirt clung to her curves as she bobbed up and down in the water. Hmmm… he'd have to get her out of that soon.

Very soon.

"Sorry. You smelled."

Her mouth opened and shut like a fish. He sure did get a kick out of shocking her. He grinned and started taking his clothes off. She shut her mouth abruptly and looked at him with a very different look on her face.

A very warm look.

He shimmied his jeans down over his hips, kicking off his boots with them. She was trying to look anywhere but at him. He glanced down and saw his cock was already rising.

He was hard just like that.

And he hadn't even touched her.

He took a running leap into the water five feet from Janet. Just close enough to splash her.

He came up to catch her reaction but she was gone.


Water came flying at his head. She'd swum around him somehow and was pushing water at him with her forearms. Damn, she was really getting some good waves with that technique.

He was on her in an instant, grabbing her arms and holding them in the air while they both kicked their legs to stay afloat.

"Don't start something you can't finish, Red.”

She was laughing until she finally caught the look in his eyes. He stared down at this beautiful girl and watched as her eyes changed from laughter to desire.

Just like his were doing.

For some mysterious reason she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. It probably wouldn't last. She was a rich girl after all. A good girl. Well, mostly good.

But he didn't care. If he could only have her for a little while, that would have to do. He would take what he could get.

He knew he'd want her forever.

He moaned and pulled her against him, crashing his lips into hers. He released her arms and held her head, angling it so he could kiss her deeper, harder. She made a sexy little sound of surrender as he plundered her mouth with everything he'd been holding back.

Then they started sinking.

She was laughing when she came up. But he didn't smile. He couldn't. All he could do was feel and want.

He propelled her backward through the water until her back was against the corner of the dock. He used one hand to hold her hips against his, pulling one leg up and around his waist.


He held them up with one hand on the edge of the dock and began again. He kissed her endlessly, nibbling her lips in between long bouts of deeply tonguing her sweet mouth. He finally lifted his head and pulled at her wet t-shirt.

"Take this off."

She shook her head.

"What if someone sees me?"

"I want to see you."

She ducked out from under his arms and swam toward the ladder.

"Come back here. Now."

He hardly recognized his own voice. He was practically growling at her. She shook her head and clambered up the ladder to the deck. He hoisted himself onto the dock and stood at the end, ten feet away from her.

Her eyes were wide as she stared between his legs at his cock. He was fully erect now and standing proud at nine thick inches. She didn't look scared though. She looked… intrigued.

He raised an eyebrow at her as she backed away from him playfully.

"That's my t-shirt and I want it back."

She smiled suddenly and ran toward the house.

"Then come and get it!"

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Janet ran up the stairs and into the bedroom she'd woken up in. She heard him behind her, his wet feet slapping the stairs. Two at a time.

He was right behind her.

She climbed onto the bed and pulled the t-shirt off. As soon as he appeared in the doorway she chucked it at him. It hit him in the face. She stifled a giggle.

Her aim was better than she thought.

He pulled it off his face off and chucked it aside, staring at her naked body. Then he was on the bed. Then he was on top of her.

It happened so fast that she would have missed it if she blinked.

She moaned at the incredible feeling of his hot chest pressing into her breasts. He felt so strong and hard against her softness. Then he was kissing her again. So he still wanted her. Good. She wanted him too.

So much it hurt.

But there was more than just passion in the kiss. He was kissing her like he cared. As if it meant something.

His hands found her breasts and he lowered his head to them.

"Oh God, Red.”

She gasped as arousal shot straight to her center, spreading out in every direction. He readjusted himself so he could rub his shaft against her apex. She moaned as he stimulated her there with his slowly rocking hips without inserting himself inside her.