Janet moved back into the corner and held a shoe in each hand.

She knew what Jack would expect her to do.

She was going to fight.

Chapter Thirty-One


Jack didn't even bother with the first two names on the list. It was getting to be late at night already and he knew the legitimate businesses would be closed.

But not the Body Work Special.

Christ, if she was in there, God knew what they'd done to her.

He would kill them if they hurt her. He'd kill them if they even touched her. He was pretty much ready to kill anyone who touched her.

She was his. They both knew it. And he was done fighting it.

Now he was just fighting to get her back. And once he did, he was keeping her. Didn’t matter that she was too good for him. He would just have to learn to be good enough for her.

He texted Dev on the way. He told him to bring some guys in as few words as possible. He might need the backup. He didn't care if he made it out of there alive, but if anything happened to Janet, he'd lose his mind. Maybe permanently.

This was going to take some finessing. The Rub N' Tug was run by a rival gang. Nowhere as big as the SOS but twice as mean.

The Viper's Disciples.

He couldn't wait for the guys. If there was a chance he could stop them before they… he gritted his teeth, trying not to imagine Janet lying helpless underneath a paying customer.

He pushed open the glass door and walked in.

Chapter Thirty-Two



Janet's eyes fluttered open, only to close again. Was someone here? No… she'd dropped her shoe.

Her weapon.

She struggled to wake up as the realization sunk in: they'd must have drugged the water too. How could she fight them when they kept her drugged constantly?

She felt as if she were moving through molasses as she reached for her stiletto heel. She nearly tipped over but after three tries she had it firmly gripped in her palm.

Fight Janet. No matter what. You fight.

There was something happening outside the dark room, the 5 by 8 foot cage that had become her world. Loud voices, a gunshot, screams. Through her haze she merely acknowledged that there was a new development.

The question was, could she use it to her advantage?

She forced her wayward mind to focus briefly. Maybe… maybe she could use the diversion to escape. Get out. Run.

The darkest part of her asked where she would go… there wasn't anyone who wanted her around. Kaylie was her true friend but she still lived at home. Janet tried to think of a place to run to.

The only place she could think of was the clubhouse.

That's where Jack would be. Maybe he would know a place for her to hide. If he could pull himself off of the sleazy blond he'd been with.

But he would help her anyway. He had to. He cared, at least a little bit.

Didn’t he?

But he was with her. The faceless girl he’d wrapped his arm around. She shook her head. That bastard had literally tossed her aside without a second thought.

The fury that thought engendered snapped her out of her stupor. She still felt slow, she still felt weak, but she was fighting it.

And she was winning.

If only so she could slap Jack’s face when she saw him again.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Jack stared into the terrified eyes of the woman at the front desk. She looked like an aging stripper. He didn't respond to her chirpy greeting and offer for him to peruse the menu of options.

He simply said one word.


The woman blanched and reached for a hidden button. Jack was on her in a second, lifting her in the air by her neck. He'd never hurt a woman, but right now he wanted to tear this bitch's head off.

His voice was low and vicious when he spoke.


The woman's eyes darted to the hallway behind him. He lowered her and released her throat just enough to allow her to gasp in some air.

"She's- in- the- back. Down the stairs and to the left."

He cursed. The basement. It sounded like a death trap. Once he got her, how the hell was he supposed to get her back out?

"What you need, bro’?”

He turned to see Dev and eight of the Spawn's behind him. He almost smiled at them, he was so Goddamned relieved to see them.

"They have Janet. She's in the basement. Make sure everyone stays quiet."

Dev nodded and gestured to Mike, the prospect. He stepped forward and started tying up the hostess. Jack sneered at her as he passed. What kind of woman did this to her own sex?

She was a fucking cannibal.

He stormed down the hallway, leaving it to Dev and the other Spawn's to watch his back. He didn't care one way or the other. He just had to find her.