"She ran away. Maybe if we're lucky she'll never come back."

He pushed her out of the way and stalked into the house.

"Show me her room."

Her father eyed him warily and wisely decided to humor him. He led him down the hallway to a door with a massive deadbolt on the outside. And hooks, just to make sure the door wouldn’t open from the inside.

Jack was horrified when he saw the size of that deadbolt. Janet was a girl, not a horse or a criminal. She hadn't stood a chance.

He stepped inside the room and winced. It smelled horrible in here. He saw a bucket full of piss and shit in the corner. He closed his eyes.

They'd left her alone with a bucket.

They’d made her sit in here, with her own offal.

This was his fault. All his fault. He's the one they didn't want her hanging around with.

He should have left her alone to begin with. Or claimed her for good. He should have taken care of her. Not this bullshit waffling he'd been doing. Fighting himself every step of the way.

Now she was the one paying the price.

It wasn't right.

"Get out."

Her father was lifting the bucket when Jack snapped the order at him. He hesitated then awkwardly carried the offending container out of the room. Jack blew air out through his nose and looked around the room. He could hear them arguing out there. The woman wanted to call the police but the man was trying to convince her not to.

Everything about the room reminded him of her.

The room looked like a sanctuary. With parents like that, it was no wonder she'd created her own world in here. Posters of far away places covered the walls, all interspersed with stunning photos of dancers. Slender girls with long legs and frilly costumes.

They were supposed to be beautiful and strong.

None of them held a candle to her.

A rose colored scarf covered her lamp, lending the room an ethereal glow. He turned and saw her bed. It was a mess, with blankets and sheets everywhere. As if she'd tossed and turned on it. All alone.

Except for his helmet.

He moaned out loud, realizing she'd been sleeping with it. He closed his eyes again, feeling a sharp sting of regret. He regretted everything he'd done since he met her.

Except kissing her. He could never regret that.

He stared at the window. She'd smashed it open after three and a half days trapped in this airless room with no food or water. Or comfort.

While he'd been drinking himself into oblivion, she'd been in here, alone and afraid. Sharp pieces of glass stuck out in every direction. It was a miracle that she hadn't cut herself.

Maybe she had. Maybe she was bleeding to death in an alley somewhere. If she died, he'd never get to tell her he was sorry.

He'd never get to tell her he cared.

He had to find her. Now. But how?

She could be anywhere. Kaylie was her best friend and even she had no idea where Janet could have gone. It's not like she had anyone else to run to.

Except him. She had him and she didn’t even know it.

If he'd played his cards differently, she would have come to him for help… instead she was out there, in God only knows what kind of danger. He spun in a circle, scanning the room for a sign. There was nothing. If she'd taken anything with her it couldn't have been much.

Then he saw it. On the floor next to her desk was a piece of paper. He picked it up.

It was a list of names and numbers. He frowned and then realized they were jobs she meant to apply to. He read it quickly and sucked in his breath. The third item on the list was a body work place. She'd probably thought it was a place to learn physical therapy.

But she was wrong.

Jack knew what it really was.

It was part of an underground prostitution ring run by another club. The Vipers.

They’d love a pretty little thing like Janet. Lost and alone and so beautiful it made your insides ache to look at her.

If they got their hands on her… they'd never let her leave. He crumbled the paper in his fist and left, fear making his heart pound furiously in his chest.

He had to save her.

He had to make this right.

Chapter Thirty


Think Janet. Think. How do you get out of this. You have to get out, before they-

Janet closed her eyes tightly, refusing to even think about what they wanted to do. She was curled into a ball on the floor, trying to protect her body in case they touched her again. She waited ten minutes in that position, making sure they were gone for real.

She had been here for at least twelve hours. Enough time to wake up in lingerie, and be held down while the owner explained ‘the rules’ to her.