She’d sent Janet to her room immediately following dinner. Without her phone.

She'd finished her application, she’d read a magazine, she'd even looked in the back of the supermarket circular for jobs. She thought she might have found a few places that might be interesting and made a neatly written list of the names and numbers.

But nothing could keep her mind from wandering to Jack. She wanted to be at the club tonight. To see him and be near him. She didn't care if he didn't like her.

She'd make him like her if it was the last thing she did!

She glanced at her clock. It was almost 11. Her parents would be in bed. Janet chewed her lip, considering her options.

Kaylie might not be at the club anymore. She shrugged and pulled on a mini skirt and halter top, dabbing some lipstick on. She yanked on a pair of old cowboy boots and quietly slid open the window. It wasn't the first time she'd snuck out of her bedroom window, and it wouldn't be the last.

Five minutes after she'd made her decision, she was running through the cool grass across her neighbors lawn to the street. Only fifteen blocks to the club. She'd be there in no time.

And then she’d see Jack.

Chapter Twenty


Eight shots down. Number nine is going to be the charm.

Jack was leaning against the bar considering the wisdom of another shot when he heard it.

"Hey Red!"

His head snapped up and he saw her, looking tentatively around the bar. He cursed under his breath at the sight of her.

Long silky legs, bare shoulders and that face. Never mind the hair. She was temptation personified.

And the guys were not in the habit of denying themselves.

She looked nervous. She should be. A couple of guys were already trying to offer her drinks. She was doing her best to decline them, he could see, but that wouldn't last for long.

Women did not come in here at this hour looking for a drink. Especially not looking like her, like a rabbit to a pack of hungry wolves. She should have known better.

Damn it.

He strode across the bar and shouldered aside two Spawns who were leaning over her. Her big aqua eyes widened as he closed his hand around her arm and pulled her with him to his spot at the bar.

He lifted her up and deposited her on a stool and went back to sipping his beer. His tenth. He thought it was anyway.

Hell, he'd lost count.

He slid his eyes sideways and watched as Donnie brought her a sea breeze without her asking. She sipped it daintily and tried to continue ignoring him. It was impressive, considering he was standing right next to her and staring at her.

He turned his body toward her and tilted his head to the side, letting his eyes wander all over her. He wanted to look at her. He was a man, she was a woman. Why should he hide it?

She finally glanced at him and tried to smile. They both knew she was attracting unwanted attention from every corner of the bar. She was hot and she was new. Everyone wanted a taste.

"You shouldn't be here."

"I was- looking for Kaylie. I guess she left already?"

He didn't say anything, just looked her over, considering what kind of trouble he was about to get himself into. She crossed her legs nervously, revealing a long smooth thigh.

Screw it.

Jack grinned suddenly. She caught the look on his face and blanched. She thought he was laughing at her. But really he'd just decided to stop fighting it. He was going to have her beneath him. Maybe even tonight.

Those legs were going to feel good wrapped around his waist.

She crossed her arms over her chest, accidentally pushing them closer together. He stared at the luscious mounds where they pressed against each other, creating a deep cleavage.

Definitely tonight.

He tore his eyes away from her chest and looked at her beautiful face again. She looked absolutely mortified. He could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"I think I should- go home-"

He lifted her off the bar stool and set her on the floor, inches from his body. She looked up at him, utterly confused. He couldn't wait to take her home. He'd denied himself too long already. He took her hand and dragged her through the bar room. But not to the front.

He was taking her to the back.

Chapter Twenty-One


He held out his hand for her, his eyes willing her to obey him. She was about to toss her head and ignore him, like she always did when someone told her what to do. But there was something urgent in his eyes that made her pause.

She took his hand and felt a shock at the rough calluses. Then he just grabbed her, pulling her towards the back of the club.