She'd just have to get a job and go to school part time. Maybe she and Kaylie could get an apartment together. She needed to get out of the house, that much was for sure.

And maybe Jack would be in the picture too. The big, scary biker was softer than he looked. He had a kind heart. She knew that instinctively.

She also knew he wanted her, but he didn’t want to want her.

"What am I going to do Kaylie?"

Her friend sat beside her, taking notes for her history exam. She put her book down and sipped some lemonade.

"You'll figure something out, Nettie. I'll help you."

"Yeah… but what?"

"You'll get a job and apply to the program and then we'll see. I believe in miracles you know."

Janet rolled her eyes and turned onto her side.

"Right. Just like that."

She snapped her fingers. Kaylie giggled and squirted lemonade at her through her straw.

"Hey! And I was going to ask you to move in with me!"

Kaylie sobered quickly and looked away. Janet's eyes widened. Something was up with Kaylie, that was for sure.

"What is it? You don't want to be my roommate?"

"No. It's not that. It's just that- well, Dev asked me to move in with him."

Janet squealed and threw her arms around Kaylie.

"Oh my God! That's amazing!"

"I don't know. It's kind of a big step. And then my mother would be alone."

"Maybe I can move in with her instead."

Janet flopped back onto her back and stared up at the sky. Kaylie laughed.

"Sometimes I think I'm too young to get serious with Dev but other times… I love him so much, you know?"

"I can tell. He loves you too. You are both really lucky. I wonder if I will ever be loved like that.“

"Come on Nettie, don't tell me you didn't find someone at school. You're gorgeous!”

“Ugh, stop. You are the beauty queen.”

“I’m serious Janet. I mean you always were pretty, but now, you look like a movie star!"

Janet rolled her eyes.

"Jack doesn't think so."

Kaylie lit up and clapped her hands together.

"Oooooh…. I knew something was going on!"

"Unfortunately, that is not the case."

"Do you like him? I could have sworn I saw some sparks flying."

"I thought I did. But he has no interest in me whatsoever."

Kaylie chewed her lip.

“Well, I’ve never seen him with any of- the girls who hang around. Dev said he doesn’t mess around with the easy pickings.”

“Really?” Janet sat up and then slumped down just as quickly. “He doesn’t like me though. I thought he did but… I was wrong.”

"I wouldn't be too sure. Jack's the most loyal person I know. He hides his feelings though. Still waters run deep."

Janet just snorted. That was one way to put it. Kaylie nudged her in the shoulder.

"What happened? Tell me!"

Janet sighed. She might as well tell Kaylie. At least then she might feel like it really happened, instead of feeling like some sort of dream.

"He kissed me. It was- Kaylie, it was amazing.”

“So Jack is a good kisser?”


“Ooohhhh! And then?”

“And then he told me to forget it ever happened. To forget him. Some bullshit about him not being good enough for me.”

Kaylie started laughing uncontrollably. Janet stared at her, annoyed.

"I'm pouring my heart out and you think that's funny?"

"I'm sorry- it's just- oh my gosh - the fact that he said anything to you is kind of amazing. He never talks. Especially not to girls!"

"Well, he didn't say much. Just told me to stay away from him."

"That's interesting. Because it doesn't look like he's staying away from you."


Janet sat up hastily at the sound of bikes out front. She pulled the straps of her sundress back into place and fluffed her hair.

Kaylie hadn't been kidding. Devlin and Jack had just parked their bikes out front and were walking around the side of the house toward them. It was strange seeing him in Mrs. Thomas’ backyard with all her begonias in bloom.

Jack was so… big. So intimidating as he walked towards her. His eyes were hooded, but she knew he had seen her.

She closed her eyes, willing her heart to slow down. Then she laid back down on her stomach and stared blindly at the application. She picked up a pen and started filling out the paperwork.

Well, she filled her name in anyway.

"Hey babe."


Kaylie was on her feet and leaping into Devlin's arms in an instant. The squeals of happiness behind her made Janet cringe. She pretended to be engrossed in what she was doing.

A pair of enormous boots came into view, less than a foot away. Jack was standing beside her, looming over her. He wasn’t ignoring her, that was for sure.

That put all sorts of illicit thoughts into her head.

"What are you doing?"

She rolled over to her side so she could see him. He scowled, so she scowled. Two could play at that game. If anything, the gruff biker just frowned even more.