Jack felt his blood begin to boil. Devlin was beside him in an instant. Kaylie looked freaked out too.

But Jack only had eyes for her.

Red. He saw red.

"I see what you mean, man. Come on Janet, let's get out of here."

Kaylie scooped up Janet's clothes from the storage room and grabbed Janet's arm. She had the good sense to look a little concerned when one of the guys stepped in front of her.

Before Jack could move the little turd reached out to grab her breast. Jack shoved him backwards with one hand and then elbowed his buddy in the chin when he tried to intervene.

Without turning Jack drove his heel down into the little shit's foot and heard a snap. The guy let out a blood curdling wail. Jack ignored him and threw 20 bucks on the counter top.

“For the uniform.”

It was over in less than a minute.

Chapter Thirteen


Janet was shaking as they practically ran out of the mall toward the parking lot. Once they were outside she wrapped her arms around her bare midriff. She had worn far less as a ballet dancer, but she had never felt more naked in her life.

She hadn't been expecting that. They'd made her feel like a stripper. Worse, they'd made her feel like she was for sale. Like she didn’t deserve respect.

Thank God she hadn't been alone…

Kaylie helped her pull her shirt over the trashy tank top. She was trying not to cry. It didn’t work.

She was fruitlessly wiping away the tears when she caught Jack staring at her. She narrowed her eyes at him, not in the mood for his disapproval. She already felt foolish, she didn’t need him to rub it in.


"Why do you do that?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Yes. You do."

She looked away, suddenly feeling more exposed than she had in the restaurant. The funny thing was, she did know. He wanted to know why she craved the attention. She licked her lips, unsure how to answer.

"You okay, ‘Nettie?”

Kaylie was back, putting her arm around Janet's shoulders. She nodded and stood up straight. No harm done. She’d been through worse. Her whole life people had poked and prodded her, both as a dancer and at home.

Nothing she ever did was good enough.

Shake it off girl.

She would just have to find a job somewhere else.

"I'm good, thanks."

Devlin looked relieved that she wasn't going to cry anymore. She almost smiled at the way he was already treating her like an older brother. It was adorable.

And it was really nice to know he had her back.

"We better go. I need to get these two little missies home to their mamas."

Kaylie giggled at Devlin as he pulled her into his arms for a kiss.

Janet opened her mouth and said something that surprised even her.

"Jack is taking me."

Kaylie's mouth dropped open for a full minute before slowly widening into a huge grin. Devlin looked thrilled.

She slid her eyes sideways, peeking at the huge man standing beside her. Jack hadn't said a word but Dev and Kaylie's big smiles had clearly irritated him. Devlin slapped him on the back. Hard.

"Alright, man! Have a good night."

And then they were gone, leaving Janet standing all alone with Jack in the mall parking lot. The big man had barely said a word to her, other than to ask her why she was such an idiot.

Typically, that made her like him even more.

He shifted his eyes toward her and raised an eyebrow. She lifted her chin. She wasn't going to let him intimidate her.

"So? Are we just going to stand here all night?"

He grunted and grabbed her arm, pulling her toward his bike.

Chapter Fourteen


Jack stared straight ahead, trying to focus on the road. He'd never ridden with anyone on the back of his bike before. He could feel her slender arms wrapped around his waist with surprising strength. She had a good grip for such a tiny thing.

That's right. Kaylie had said she'd been a dancer. It made sense with the graceful way she moved with him on the bike, unconsciously leaning into the turns with him.

He'd given her his helmet and thrust her onto the seat, trying not to stare at her spread thighs beneath him. Those orange shorts clung to her body in a way that should have been illegal.

He’d climbed on and started the bike without hesitation. He made sure she understood that he was annoyed with her. That this ride was a one time thing.

All without saying a word.

The mall was a half an hour from town, which gave him plenty of time to enjoy her body pressed against his back. And he was enjoying it. A lot.

He groaned inwardly. It was his front he'd like her pressed against. He wanted her. Badly. He might as well stop lying to himself about it. The little minx was getting to him whether he liked it or not.