"Food. And a plan. We need to nip this shit in the bud."

"I hear that."

They pulled into the parking lot and people poured out to greet him. It took him a while to pull Kaylie to the door. He had things to deal with before he talked to the guys.

He had to talk to Kaylie.

And there were things to do after they talked. He needed her in his arms. He needed her to show him she still wanted him.

He wanted to bury himself inside her and never come out again.

Chapter 29


"You don't mind if we stay here for a while, do you babe?"

Kaylie was enveloped in Dev's arms. They were finally alone in the small apartment above the club he stayed in sometimes. It was just a bedroom and a small bathroom but it was clean and had a bed.

There were other bedrooms for rest of the Spawn throughout the clubhouse but this one was the most private and reserved for the MC President alone.

"Damn, you smell so good and I'm filthy. I shouldn't be touching you."

"I don't mind."

She hadn't answered his first question about staying in the clubhouse. He didn't press her, thank goodness. It was true that she didn't mind that he was dirty. It just felt so good to be in his arms again.

Everything else was confusing though. She wasn’t sure how she felt about any of it.

"Hmmmfff… oh God. Let me get washed up. I want to hold you."

She nodded and watched him strip down. A thrill went through her as he exposed his body to her. He was pushing his jeans down over his washboard abs when he looked up and caught her staring. He grinned and stood proudly in front of her, his arousal already evident.

"Unless you want to join me?"

Kaylie shook her head breathlessly. She was already feeling overwhelmed and needed the time to get herself together. He sniffed himself and cringed.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. I'll be out in a flash."

Kaylie smiled as he disappeared into the bathroom. She looked around the room. He didn't keep much there. A few magazines and books. Clothes. A mini fridge.

And of course, the bed… which she would be laying down on shortly. She felt butterflies fill her stomach as she looked at the tousled sheets. Would it be different this time? Now that she knew what to expect?

There was a mirror over a dresser. She walked over to it, shaking out her hair. She pulled off her sunglasses and put them aside. She stared into her eyes and tried to figure out what she was going to do… she knew what she wanted but she didn't know what she could handle… not yet.

There was only one way to find out.

Pictures were taped to the edges of the mirror. Johnny with a young Devlin and a pretty woman who must have been their mom. She traced the picture with her finger. He looked so young.

But he already stood with bravado, clearly aware of his position as the man of the house. He couldn't have been older than sixteen and yet he looked utterly confident in every way.

So young, but already a man. Already a protector.

It must have killed him that he couldn't save them.

She felt him behind her then. She closed her eyes as he pressed his body against her back, wrapping his damp arms around her waist. As confused as she was, she wanted this. She felt herself instantly surrender.

He kissed the crook of her neck as her head fell back onto his shoulder. Hot spirals of desire shot through her body. She knew that whatever her decision was, she would never have anything like this with anyone else.

The connection they had was special. Intense. Once in a lifetime.

She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her in the reflection of the mirror. He was looking at her with a fierce look in his gaze. Affection, tenderness, possessiveness and something else...

Pure heat.

Her mouth opened in response to the dark look in his eyes. His hand slid up her body to cup her breast as he held her facing the mirror. He played with her nipples through her silky shirt before letting his hand drop to the hem of her skirt.

She started panting as he slid his hand up under her skirt to find her panties. Without breaking eye contact, he started to tease her, stroking the line of her cleft.

She should have been shy or embarrassed but she wasn’t. She could not have pulled her eyes from his no matter how hard she tried. So she didn’t bother.

She gave into the delicious feelings he was creating in her as he toyed with her body. He was clearly not in a hurry, despite everything he'd said before. Finally he pulled her panties down and started to explore her body in earnest. He released her waist and she leaned forward slightly, gripping the edge of the dresser for support.