He threw his arm over her shoulder and walked toward the group of bikers. One of them, a biker with flaming red hair, let out a low whistle at the sight of Kaylie.

"Is she new?"

One of the other bikers, the one with curly hair who often trailed her, elbowed him in the side. Hard. It looked like it hurt. In fact, the carrot top let out a low hiss of pain.

Devlin walked past them, ignoring them completely.

"Ow man, what the fuck? I was just saying I'd be down for sloppy seconds."

"Not this one. Just shut up."

Kaylie wasn't sure what she'd just overheard. Were they talking about her? The dark haired biker was the one who usually tailed her, so she knew he was looking out for her. He nodded at her questioning look but that was all.

Devlin didn't seem too concerned as they walked down a short slope to a flat bar-b-q area near the lake with about twenty picnic tables. It was meant for families but it was completely over run with bikers. Then again, Kaylie saw a few kids running around there too.

Bikers had families too.

She grinned a little bit at the incongruous sight of a huge tattooed man in leather lifting a little girl in a tutu and fairy costume onto his shoulders. As soon as the man saw her with Devlin, he walked over and welcomed them.

In fact, it seemed like everyone started to come over. They were swarmed in minutes as people approached to give Devlin their respects. It was more than obvious that he was well loved and in charge, even of bikers twice his age.

"This must be Kaylie. I'm Bob and this is Sally. Congrats on graduating, honey."

The big man held out a beefy hand. Kaylie shook it shyly before reaching up and shaking the adorable little girls hand, making her giggle.

“Nice to meet you, Kay-lee.”

Kaylie blinked in surprise. The little girl on his shoulders even knew who Kaylie was. She even said it right, doing her best to slowly pronounce the name.

He'd told them about her. When?

People waited politely to meet her and to bring Devlin and her drinks and food. She sipped a cold beer as she watched the bikers pull glass beer bottles from a row of stocked coolers. Right underneath a sign that said 'no glass containers.'

She had to laugh. The MC certainly did not follow the park’s rules. But they were extremely polite as they came up and introduced themselves, one by one.

It was almost an hour later when she finally met the biker with long curly hair, Jack. He was Devlin's second in command. Then there was Donahue, AKA Donnie, who was alway trailing Jack.

She met Mike, one of the young prospects who she recognized from high school and too many other names to remember. She hoped she'd get the hang of it eventually.

In the midst of the introductions Kaylie noticed that at least a few people were less than enthusiastic about Devlin's arrival with her.

Two women stood off to the side. Both were blond and attractive. One of the women was in her mid 30's but the other one looked only a couple of years older than Kaylie. Long blond hair, peachy skin, and a body that looked like she could moonlight as a swimsuit model. She would have been stunning if not for the pinched look on her face.

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

Oh. She was jealous.

Kaylie wondered if the girl had been Devlin's girlfriend before her. Maybe he ran through girls like tissue paper. He could have any girl who laid eyes on him, never mind girls who liked the thrill of danger.

There was a very good chance Kaylie was being taken advantage of. The thought washed over her, making her feel small and stupid. As reassuring as Devlin’s arm around her was, she couldn’t stop her mind from working in overdrive.

She felt herself getting quiet, letting the conversations around her wash over her like water.

"Let's take a walk."

She looked up and shrugged. She didn’t know how to explain her feelings to him. He would probably think she was foolish. But she had no reason to protest as Devlin pulled her out of the crowd to a path that circled the lake.

"Okay, what's bothering you?"

He didn't sound mad, she realized thankfully. But he was throwing her off balance. He really did not beat around the bush did he?

Well, she didn't either.

"I'm not sure what I'm doing here."

"You're going for a walk. After that you are going to a barbecue and after that, you are going to a carnival."

She stopped walking and gave him an exasperated look. He just grinned at her. The man was far too pleased with himself.

"Yes, but why?"

"Because you graduated."

"But why am I here with you?"

He gave her a knowing look and leaned back against a tree, crossing his arms. Her breath caught at the warm look in his eyes.