Not too much longer though.

The bulge in his pants was already becoming uncomfortable. Better to stop for now. They had time. If he had his way about it, she'd be available to him every night from here on out.


He gritted his teeth and lifted his head. He'd stopped sleeping with the girls who hung around the club a couple of month ago, knowing that it was almost time to make his move with her.

Kaylie was the sort of woman that you didn't mind giving up cheap thrills for. Besides, he had a feeling there were plenty of thrills ahead. For both of them.

"I better take you home now. Don't want to worry mama."

Chapter 6


He brushed his knuckles over her cheek, his eyes oddly dark and somber. His gaze was somehow hot and tender, all at the same time.

“Come on, sweetheart.” He smiled ruefully. “Before I change my mind.”

She nodded, ashamed to admit to herself that she didn't want to leave. Didn't want him to stop kissing her, touching her, maybe even more. She'd forgotten completely about the time.

She glanced at her watch and gasped. He was right. Her mama was going to be worried. Normally she'd be home by now.

No, an hour ago. Dang.

He helped her onto the bike, fixing the helmet into place again. Then he swung on gracefully and kicked the throttle. She wondered how many times he'd done that.

Thousands probably.

He made it look so easy, like a panther leaping into a tree. She rested her cheek against the leather covering his shoulder, inhaling deeply. He hadn't pushed her to stay out or go further than she wanted to.

In fact, if anything, he'd left her wanting more.

They pulled up to her house, making her realize that he knew where she lived. Of course he did. He'd been having her followed, hadn't he? She bit her lip as he lifted her off the bike and undid the strap of her helmet for her. He ran his thumb over her lip this time, his eyes hooded with desire.

She closed her eyes, hoping he would kiss her again.

"Hi Devlin."

Kaylie jumped at her mother’s voice but Devlin didn't move. She peeked up at her mother and was surprised to see a placid look on her face as she smiled benignly at the man who'd driven her home on his motorcycle.

His big, mean looking motorcycle.

"Good evening Mrs. Thomas."

He grinned and winked at Kaylie's shocked expression.

"You didn't think I was going to take you riding without asking permission did you?"

He pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

“Sleep well, sweetheart. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Her mouth was open as he climbed back on his bike and rode away. She noticed he hadn’t asked for a date. He just told her he’d be back and assumed she’d be waiting.

But somehow she didn’t seem to mind.

Her mother gestured her inside with a knowing grin.

"What did he-"

"What did he ask me?"

"Yes, and more importantly when?"

Her mother grinned and locked the door behind her.

"That's between him and I. Now off to bed. You have a long day tomorrow."

"I do?"

Her mother just smiled and kissed her goodnight.

Chapter 7


Her mother shook her awake at 8 AM. Every fiber of her being longed to stay in bed. High school was finally over and she didn’t have to work at Mae’s or babysit today. There was plenty of time to do her house chores later.

She hadn't slept late in so long...

"What is it? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, sweetheart. Devlin is picking you up soon."

That got her attention. She sat up.

"He is? What for? How soon?"

Her mother shrugged and said "About an hour. I'll let him tell you about it. But he said to wear something comfortable and bring a sweater. You'll be out all day."

She stood up abruptly. Her mother turned back from the hallway.

"And a bikini."


She ran after her laughing mother, swatting her bottom. Why did her mother know more about what her - she didn't know what to call Devlin, not yet anyway - but why did her mother get to know more than she did?

She grinned suddenly, realizing he must have arranged all of this yesterday or even earlier. Asking her mother for permission was sweet.

She felt warm inside at the thought.

It had been just the two of them for so long, ever since her father had passed away. Having someone else looking out for her was nice. She was afraid to think about anything past that, or put too much importance on his actions.

Who knew what his intentions were really? But he was making her wonder if he was after more than just a summer fling.

She ran into the bathroom and took a shower, giddy with excitement. She took extra time shaving and then blew out her hair. Then she slipped into her bikini and pulled on a pair of cut off jean shorts and a pretty top.