Bedroom eyes. So that's what that meant. Uh yeah. The guy looked like he’d invented the phrase.

He had definitely been waiting for her.


She swallowed nervously, wishing she had drank that cup of coffee after all. Maybe she'd be quick witted instead of standing there like a dullard when the most beautiful, and by far the most dangerous man she'd ever laid eyes on was - what?

Asking her out? Not that exactly. But he was offering her a ride on the back of his bike. She realized she hadn’t ever seen him ride double before.

With anyone.

He didn't seem put off by her silence though. He just held out his hand. There was a helmet in his other hand. For her.

"Don't worry, I'll go slow."

She could have sworn there was something in his smirk as she saw herself putting her hand into his. He wasn't just talking about the bike. He was talking about… other things.

She stared up at him as he slid the helmet over her head, locking the chin strap into place. He ran his thumb over her cheek as she blinked up at him, completely under his spell.

Snap out of it, girl!

Before she knew it she was behind him, her legs straddling the bike, her arms wrapped around his taut midriff. Even through the worn leather jacket she could feel his muscles.

Goodness, he had a lot of muscles.

"Hold on."

She tightened her grip as he revved the motor and took off. Her cheek was pressed against his shoulder, and suddenly she could smell him. He smelled like oil, leather and something else indefinable. But masculine.

Very, very masculine.

The rumbling of the bike underneath her felt odd, making her feel all tingly inside. This was really happening.

She was letting Devlin ride her home.

Had she been cold before? Because suddenly she was burning up.

Chapter 3


He rode slower than usual, keeping a tight reign on his instincts. He wanted to go fast. To ride Kaylie all the way to his house and tear her clothes off.

But she was a good girl. Too good for him to hump like a dog. Even if that’s exactly what he wanted to do.

Kaylie was too precious for that.

He was going to take what he wanted of course, but he was going to do it the right way. Nice and slow. Even if it made his dick ache and his balls turn blue.

She was worth it.

He grinned as he took a sharp corner. He felt her hands on his waist. He had planned on taking her straight home, starting his courtship tomorrow.

And this was a courtship, there was no doubt about it.

But now that she was on the back of my bike, he couldn’t resist taking the scenic route. Hell, any place Kaylie went was scenic. The girl was just that beautiful.

Her sweet thighs were wrapped around his hips. Her gorgeous face inches behind him. He could feel her luscious curves pressed into his back.

Curves no one had touched.

He decided he had to have a little taste. Not enough to scare her. Just enough to keep him sane until he saw her again.

And he knew just the spot to take her to.

Chapter 4


They rode around the outskirts of town before he headed back toward her house. He was clearly taking the long way. She was glad. It gave her time to calm her heart and try and think of something clever to say.

He pulled over a few blocks from home and turned his head, lifting his voice over the roar of the engine.

"Do you need to go right in?”

She shook her head 'no.' Even though she knew her mother would worry if she took too long. Even though she had no idea what Devlin wanted, or anything about him really.

That wasn't exactly true though was it?

She did know about him. She knew he wanted her and she knew he was protective. And tough. But he was always sweet to her.

That's all that mattered, right?

Besides, nothing on God's green earth would keep her from going with him tonight.

He picked up speed as he turned up the mountain road. He was taking her to the overlook. He must be. That was the only thing up there.

Lovers lane.

Her heart was thudding in her chest as they climbed the sharp curves that led to the infamous make out spot. He took the steep road with ease and confidence. She felt completely safe on the back of his bike.

What she was worried about was what would happen when they stopped…

Would he kiss her? Would he want more? It was obvious he liked her. At this point there was no point in lying to herself about that. She liked him too.

No, she wanted him. She had for a long time. And she barely even knew what that meant. Calling her inexperienced was an understatement.

Now that she had him, she had no idea what to do with him.