It was like crying against an enormous tree trunk. Big and strong and utterly silent. But still somehow comforting. Only after she had cried her eyes out did she realize he had lifted one hand and rested it on her shoulder.

When she sheepishly looked up at him he was staring doggedly at the wall, trying to ignore her. She smiled a little at the stoic giant. He wasn’t nearly as terrifying as he looked.

“Thanks Jack.”

He turned his head slightly and stared at her. Then he gave her a nod. That’s when she knew everything would be okay.

Jack didn’t say another word as he took her outside to her mother’s car. But the comforting sound of his bike followed them home.

When she looked out the window in the middle of the night, he was still outside.

Chapter 26


They had nothing on him. He knew that. So why did he feel like the fucking sky was falling down around him?

He had to know what was happening out there.

He had to know about his woman.

Did she hate him for this? Had they hurt her? Had they scared her?

If anyone so much as breathed on her wrong, there would be hell to pay.

And since his nickname was the Devil, he’d be more than happy to prove everybody right.

Dev sat in the dim light on the uncomfortable bench making plans. No one had come to see him, but he knew they'd tried. They'd taunted him with that information.

Kaylie had come to this filthy place to see him. They’d made her wait and then not let her in. Jack and Donnie, too.

But they could handle it. He just needed to know that Kaylie was okay. That was what was twisting him up inside.

He didn't even know who had accused him and of what exactly. He had a strong suspicion it was Dani. If they tried to prove that he'd laid a hand on her… they'd have a hard time doing that.

Not only was it not true but any member of the SOS would come forward and take the fall for him. That's if Dani actually had any physical evidence that she’d been attacked, which he highly doubted.

She’d crossed a line though. He didn’t hurt women, but she was banned from the club now. Permanently.

The Spawns had an attorney on retainer. He was coming by later today. He’d sounded almost as pissed off as Devlin was over the phone.

It was pretty clear they were using the trumped up charge against him. They wanted to aggravate him into attacking a police officer. It was entrapment, plain and simple. That was a shady, old school technique.

The local cops were getting desperate. He could tell they were using every trick in the book to drag out his stay. It almost worked too.

He'd come close to taking the bait more than once. Officer Grant had an annoying habit of stopping by the dank cell they were keeping him in and dropping hints about what he'd done, and what he'd like to do, to Kaylie.

Sick, disgusting things. Descriptive things about laying his hands on her smooth skin, and all the things he would do with her when he got the upper hand. Things that made Dev see red.

It almost worked.

Instead Dev had used his famous self control to go deep inside himself. Instead of attacking, he’d imagined the kinds of things he would do to Officer Grant if even one word he'd said was true. And a few things he would do to him just for thinking them.

Officer Grant's life was going to get very difficult from here on out. If he'd laid one finger on his woman though… he was in for the beating of a lifetime.

Devlin had plans for those fingers. Hands were a very good part of the body to use when you were interrogating someone. They were sensitive, and vital for survival.

He was seriously considering cutting a few of Officer Grants fingers off altogether.

Violence was part of the MC life, but there was a time and a place for it. In this case he couldn't very well beat up an officer of the law, unless the officer in question didn't know who was doing it.

A bag over the head after a night out drinking was the easiest way. Hiring out was another. But Devlin wanted to be there. He wanted to hear the crunch when his fist connected with Grant’s big, fat mouth.

Simmering rage didn't come close to what he was feeling. The pot had long since boiled over and now he was just hot metal bouncing around on the stove.

Ready to burn someone.

Chapter 27


She looked left and right, bouncing a little on her heels.

Kaylie was waiting outside her house for her ride. Donnie had called her and said he was coming to pick her up, that Devlin was getting out. He was okay. They hadn’t charged him formally.