"More than anything.”

He kissed her neck and she sighed. She knew he was going to make love to her again. And she knew she would love every second of it.

She wondered if Dev knew he had created a monster.

Chapter 24


Dev was focused intently on the road as he drove Kaylie home. It had started to drizzle and he wanted to be extra careful. His mind was razor sharp now that things were calmer inside him.

Now that he’d had his woman. Twice. It wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy him, but it would do for now. At least he didn’t feel like a wild dog ready to rip everything to shreds.

His earlier concern about losing his mojo was gone. Just one night had changed him forever. She was precious. She was his. He had to keep her safe. And he would.

Just like that, she’d tamed him.

Being with Kaylie had made him feel things that surprised the hell out of him. Crazy, protective, ready to do anything to keep her kinds of things. She’d put a spell on him. More than that, she’d woken him up.

He'd known she was special.

He hadn't know how special she would make him feel. He was changing already and he'd just started falling for her. He had wanted her for a long time but loving her, that was different.

Fucking love man.

He didn't even cringe back from the word now, not after she'd given him everything. And she had. She'd held nothing back when she was in his arms.

And he hadn’t held back either.

Being with her was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. He finally understood why people believed in all the fairy tale bullshit he'd scorned for so long. Being with Kaylie wasn’t just about getting off. It was about being together with someone so beautiful, so good, that she made him want to be a better man.

He was going to marry her.


His hands clutched the grips as he did his best not to skid out. He’d been fucking daydreaming. If he had been going faster.. he couldn’t bear to think of what might have happened.


He knew instantly that it was a cop car as the lights came on behind him. The blaring siren sounded like it was less than ten feet away. He pulled over slowly, thinking fast.

Where the hell had they come from?

They must have been waiting in the woods for him to come down this way. But how would they know where he would be? And why were they ambushing him tonight of all nights?

It was a goddamn trap.

He felt Kaylie’s arms tighten around his stomach as he pulled to the side of the road. The thought of her getting mixed up in all of this made a sour feeling in his belly.

This was not good. Not good at all.

He turned off the bike and spoke in a low tone over his shoulder.

"Don't say anything. Don’t even look at him. I’ll take care of this."

He looked back to see that there were two cop cars back there. Great. Officer Grant and Sherifff Dooley were walking toward him with their night sticks swinging.

Shit. He realized he might have to take some licks this time. As long as they didn't touch her, he’d gladly take a beating to protect his woman.

"If they hit me, just get out of the way. Don’t say anything. Keep your head down.”

"What? No-"

"Kaylie, just do what I say damn it! If they take me in, get to the clubhouse. Find Jack and Donnie. Do you understand?”


He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.


"What do we have here, Officer Grant?"

The mocking drawl of Sheriff Dooley filled Devlin with dread. He'd never feared the cops. Not until tonight. For the first time ever, they had real power over him. He had something to lose.

He forced a placid expression on his face.

"How can I help you, Sheriff?"

"Who's that you got with you, Dev?"

He cringed as Grant looked Kaylie over, grinning widely.

"My old lady."

"You don't say. Hey, aren't you the cutie who works down at Mae's?"

He didn't have to turn his head to see if Kaylie was afraid of Grant. He could just feel it. He wanted to kill them for frightening her.

He had to switch their focus off of the terrified girl behind him and back onto him He was the one they wanted. If they so much as laid a hand on her, it would be war.

It was hard to keep the scorn from his voice but he managed it.

"What seems to be the problem, Sheriff?"

"We were looking for you."

"I'm flattered."

"Don't be. We have reason to suspect that you are involved in a felony. The attack of a young woman."


"I said, you are being charged with attacking a young woman."

Grant slapped his thigh, still leering at Kaylie. The way he was looking at her left little to the imagination. Devlin felt like his stomach was falling into his boots.