Neither one of them were much for words. It was one of the reasons they were so well suited. Telling him that she loved him would only change things, and that was the last thing she wanted.

As of right now, everything was perfect. Maybe he'd tell her what was bothering him tonight. But if he didn't, she wouldn't ask. She couldn't risk it.

She was just going to go along, and see where the night took her.

Chapter 20


Devlin pulled up the cabin after a leisurely 45 minute drive. It gave him time to steady his nerves, even if it did take twice as long as usual to get out there.

Tonight was special.

Tonight he had precious cargo on board.

He always went about 20 MPH slower when Kaylie was on the back of his bike. Normally it didn’t bother him but tonight he’d had to keep himself in check. He wanted to get there, yesterday.

No, not yesterday. Not even a week. He’d been waiting for years.

He wanted to get Kaylie alone since the moment he saw her.

So yeah, he had a lead foot tonight, and he’d had to resist it every single second of the trip out here.

Things had changed in more ways than one.

Even when she wasn't on his ride, he found himself being a bit more careful on the road. He had someone now. His devil may care attitude was shifting.

He frowned to himself, not sure he liked the change.

Devils weren't supposed to be cautious.

He shook off the feeling of foreboding that was coming over him. Tonight he would finally get what he wanted. He'd never waited for anything this long before in his life. He knew the wait would be worth it, and then some.

His fingers itched to touch her skin as he parked and dismounted. Now that the time was at hand he was serious and deep in thought. Kaylie must have sensed his mood because she was quiet as he pulled off her helmet and led her to the front porch.

He fished around for the hidden key under the window sill and unlocked the door. He flipped on a light and guided Kaylie inside. He watched her face as she looked around uncertainly.

He hadn’t told her she was spending the night with him yet.

He hoped to hell she liked it here, because this place meant a lot to him. He had a lot of good memories here.

And he couldn’t wait to make more.

The cabin was rustic but clean. A frequent hide out for anyone in the SOS who needed to lie low, it had been in Dev's family since the 1950's. Other than that, his folks had brought him out here for vacations when he was kid.

Now it was mostly unused.

Kaylie turned in a circle, taking it in.

"What is this place?"

“It’s mine. My Grandfather built it.”

He looked at her, his eyes burning a hole through her clothes. He barely recognized the raw sound of his voice.

“Do you like it?"

“Yes. It’s really neat.”

He swallowed as she nodded shyly. She was so damn sweet! He wanted to eat her up, right then and there. He could screw her right up against the door- make her squeal as he had his way with her-

But no. Not the first time.

Go easy, Dev. She’s yours.

He could tell she was overwhelmed. Whether by the cabin itself, or the prospect of spending the night with him, he wasn't sure.

He took her hand and pulled her to the back of the house.

"Come on, let me show you the best part."

There was a screen door that led to a back porch. He pushed it open and Kaylie made a sweet sound. He smiled at the adorably surprised gasp. He watched her face as she stepped outside.

The sun was setting over the small lake. It was unbelievably private. A tire swing hung on a tree branch, dangling over the water.

"It's beautiful!"

He smiled at the rapturous expression on her face.

"The view's even better from in here."

He took her back inside and upstairs. He tugged her hand gently and led her into the bedroom. Their eyes met and he could see that she knew.

She knew and she wasn’t afraid.

He pulled her into his arms. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed her. He needed to forget the world and lose himself in her sweetness.

Kaylie was looking down at his chest, looking very nervous suddenly. He licked his lips and lowered his head. He knew how to make her relax… how to drive her wild.

He took his time kissing her, using his mouth alone. He did his best not to touch her, afraid he might startle her. After a while he pulled her closer to him, sliding his hands up and down her delicious back to cup her sweetly rounded bottom.

He couldn’t stop himself from getting hard though. Nothing could stop that now. When he pressed her against the hardness in his pants she sighed audibly.