But Devlin could see her. His eyes flared and darkened in the dim light. If it had been brighter, he would have seen her flush.

He moaned and lowered his head to her chest, suckling her nipple lightly.

She felt herself slipping backwards in his embrace as her hands wound through his hair, clasping his head closer to her. She should have been shocked, but she wasn’t. She should have been ladylike and stopped him, but she couldn’t.

His hot tongue felt too good. There was no way she could have stopped him now. In fact, if he had pulled back, she would have begged him not to.

He moaned and rocked his hips into hers. He pulled her top down on the other side and started kissing her other breast. Now he was alternating back and forth, using his hands and lips to tweak her nipples, driving her insane with desire.

They were both making soft guttural sounds as he guided her legs around his waist, bringing her into direct contact with… him. They were practically humping she realized. It was a good thing it was dark out!

"Damn… we better stop."

Kaylie felt dazed as he pulled her legs down off his hips and adjusted her top back into place. He was breathing heavily and looked strange. As if he was concentrating on something. Or in pain.

"Are you alright, Devin?”

"Yeah, I'm- Don't look at me like that Kaylie. Please… oh God."

He pulled her back into his arms and kissed her deeply. She forgot everything for a moment. Who she was, where she was, who he was to her… She was just nerves and skin and muscles and bones. All of them wanting one thing.


If he had wanted to take her virginity then and there, she would have let him.

He let out a muffled curse as he forcefully lifted her to her feet, placing her at arms length from his body. She chewed her lip and stepped toward him. Her fingertips grazed his chest and he flinched.

He laughed harshly.

"Sweetheart, trust me, you do not want to get close to me right now."

"Why not?"

He gave her a wry smile, before his eyes shifted to her heaving bosom. He closed his eyes and held her shoulders so she wouldn't come any closer.

"Because that's not how this is going to happen."


He opened her eyes and stared at her.

"Your first time."


He paused and looked at her again.

"It will be your first time, won't it Kaylie? Because if not… well, that changes things.”

She was tempted to lie to him if it would get him to kiss her again. But she wouldn't do that. Besides, he'd find out soon enough. She felt her cheeks turning pink at the thought. She wanted him to take her now. She wanted him.


He deserved to know the truth, even if he was dissappointed by her lack of experience.

"I'm sorry… I've never…"

He just stared at her, the look in his eyes making her shiver.

"Did I do something wrong? Maybe you don't want to be with someone as inexperienced as me."

He groaned and pulled her into his arms, kissing her hungrily. Then he pushed her away again with a curse.

"No, Kaylie. Trust me, that's not a problem. You are perfect, exactly as you are..”

She smiled up at him, feeling reassured. She took another step in, hoping he'd kiss her like that again. He laughed and took her arm, clasping her hand in his.

He walked her across the street to her front stoop, giving her a gentle nudge towards the door.

"And now you better take that sweet perfection inside."

She pouted and looked over her shoulder at him playfully. He just stared at her, his eyes dark and hungry. He looked like a wolf.

All the sudden she knew how little red riding hood felt. But she wanted to get eaten. Well, sort of.

"Go on, sweetheart.”

“Alright. Goodnight, Devlin."

"Goodnight, Kaylie."

Chapter 16


Devlin spent the next five days in a state of frustration. He was having a good time, the best time really, but it was hellish all the same.

Being around Kaylie, or even just knowing that she was his now, but not taking her… well, it was tearing him apart.

He’d made a promise and he would keep it, even if it was driving him insane. That didn’t mean he could stay away from her either.

He had never felt like this. He went to bed every night with heavy balls but he woke up with a spring in his step. It was getting too hard to keep his promise to her mother, and the promise he’d made to himself.

Kaylie was a proper young lady, not some sweetbutt he could use to get his rocks off. Problem was, she was the only one he wanted. He had plans for getting her alone and making her his once and for all, but until then he had to keep his hands off.