She came up gasping for air from the sudden chill. The water was way colder than she'd expected it to be! All the sudden she felt arms close around her and turned, sputtering with indignation.

Devlin smiled down at her, his wet hair curling over his forehead.

“What are you-”

"You didn't think I was going to let you go in by yourself looking like that did you?"

She smiled at him.

"A lot of the girls are wearing bathing suits."

He smiled and lifted her up before tossing her into the water a few feet away. She grabbed his ankle playfully under the water until he yanked her up into his arms again.

"Yeah, but not one of them looks even half as good as you do. Jesus, woman! Do you want to start a riot?”

She smiled at him playfully, poking his heavily tattooed chest.

"You are the one who told me to wear a bikini."

"I'm a genius."

"Well, you are smarter than you look…"

He growled at her as she pushed off and swam deeper from the shore. They took turns splashing each other. Devlin lifted her into his arms and kissed her before dragging her under again.

They didn't notice the eyes watching them from across the lake.

Chapter 14


Devlin was letting himself be led around the State Fair like a dog on a leash, but he didn't care. Kaylie's enthusiasm for the carnival was contagious. He realized he'd been smiling non stop while his woman dragged him onto various rides and fed him little bits of cotton candy.

His woman.

He stole a quick kiss, as he’d been doing all day. Damn if she didn’t taste like sunshine and cotton candy. He wondered what she’d taste like elsewhere. Probably just as sweet.

Dev spent the day daydreaming about the future like a girl. Except his daydreams had less to do with white dresses than with seeing what was underneath. And all the fun things he could do with that amazing equipment.

Though he thought about the white dress too.

Yeah, it was pretty much the best day of his life.

He was grinning like a fool as Kaylie tugged his hand, pulling him this way and that. Until he'd noticed her. The girl with long blond hair was following them.

Dammit, Dani.

A couple of years ago he'd had a thing with Dani. Nothing serious, just fooled around a couple of times. She was a good looking girl but her attitude was always out of control. She had always acted like she ran the club herself. Not to mention that her mood swings made her not a lot of fun to be around.

She was the younger sister of one of the club's old lady's so he couldn't just ignore her until she went away when he was done with her. That’s what he usually did with the sweetbutts, and they always got the message. Not Dani.

He'd had to sit down and have a talk with her about why it wasn't going to work out.

Hell, they'd just been kids. It was never going to 'work out' for them anyway. There was no white picket fences in their future. Not like what he saw with Kaylie. There was no comparison, and never had been.

But Dani hadn't taken it well. And she hadn't given up hope. Maybe that was his fault. He'd never had a girlfriend in all the time since. Lots of girls had helped him pass the time but never for more than a night or two.

Then again, Dani hadn't much liked any of those girls either.

Usually he just ignored her and went about his busuness, But this was different. Kaylie had already noticed Dani, and he didn’t want the psychotic blond upsetting her.

He wouldn't let Dani intimidate his woman, or ruin even a second of her celebration today. Kaylie had already mentioned a blond girl staring at her. It would not make her happy if she found out Dani was his ex, or that she'd been trailing them all night.

He would do anything to protect Kaylie, even if he had to flat out tell Dani to back off and risk offending TJ and his old lady Janine. Enough was enough. He was the club president and this shit needed to end.


Dani’s behavior didn't make a lick of sense though. Dani had to have known about Kaylie for a while now, everyone in the club did. Dev hadn’t been shy about his plans for Kaylie, even forgoing women for the past six months.

Hell, it was closer to a year.

And not just his surprisingly monk like behavior either. He'd been having the guys look after Kaylie for so long now, it was hardly a secret. So acting surprised and jealous seemed even crazier than the usual ‘Dani’s a nutjob’ bullshit.

But there Dani was all the same, stalking them like a jealous ex girlfriend. Which she hadn't been. Not really. He frowned as he followed Kaylie into the fun house, catching a flash of blond hair behind them.