If they had been together, or even talked, he would not have touched another woman. But she’d been out of reach and he’d partaken of the easy pickings at the club now and then.

"I'm not a monk, Kaylie. But I will be true to you."

"Okay. I will be true too."

He laughed and she slapped his shoulder.

"What's so funny?"

“I know you’ll be true to me.”

“You do?”

“Yes. I trust you but that’s not why.”

“Why then?”

"Nobody would try it, sweetheart, no matter how much they wanted to."

She blushed, clearly understanding what he was saying to her. Nobody messed with Devlin or his riders.

"Come on, let's get something more to eat."

Chapter 13


Kaylie licked the hot sauce off her fingers and leaned back on the blanket that had magically appeared for them. So far she’d had two full plates of food and two cold beers. Everything was brought to her, just because she was with him.

She was already getting used to that. All the little things the people in the club did for Devlin. It wasn't just the club members, it was the prospects, the girlfriends, the hanger ons. Even the older generations were represented and went out of their way for Devlin.

It was funny, but it really was a family picnic. Just a family picnic with a lot of leather and tats. And the tough looking guys and their wives and children, every single one of them looked up to him.

The tough but tender, incredibly handsome man beside her.

Devlin was stretched out next to her, nursing his beer. His thigh brushed hers and he managed to touch her casually from time to time without it seeming like a big deal. Everything felt natural with him, which was strange considering she’d never even come close to having a boyfriend before.

It was crazy to think of him that way, but she knew he’d meant was he said.

He was playing for keeps.

Devlin had been sipping the same bottle for at least an hour. She knew it was for her benefit. He wouldn't drink and drive with her on the back of his bike.

Things were definitely going better since their talk. She didn’t feel self conscious anymore. Kaylie was finally relaxing and just enjoying herself. He was making it easy.

She hadn't seen the blond girl she’d been worried about anywhere either. Maybe she had been imagining the girl's animosity. She was probably just a hanger on after all.

There were a lot of sexy looking girls hanging around who didn't seem to be attached to anyone. A few were oiling themselves up and laying out in the sun, but it was obviously just a ploy to get one of the guys to notice them. It probably worked with most of the guys. They were putting on quite a display with their arched backs and high heeled sandals.

Devlin never looked once though. He had eyes only for Kaylie. He was a gentleman underneath all that leather.

She giggled a little, feeling a bit of a buzz.

A gentleman in leather. Yep, that was him.

Kaylie smiled to herself and slid her eyes to the biker sprawled out beside her. She couldn’t help wondering how Devlin would react to seeing her in her bikini.

She’d been worried about wearing it just a few hours before. It was a little small on her. After all, the last time she'd had need of a bikini she'd been 15 years old, not 18.

But the lake looked inviting and it would be interesting to see if Devlin liked what he saw… The beer must have been making her brazen because she lost all her qualms about being undressed in public. Maybe it was different because Devlin was here with her…

Come on, girl, have some fun! It’s now or never. Might as well go for it before she lost her nerve. She pulled her top off over her head in a fluid motion and stood.

"What are you-"

Devlin was staring at her with alarm. He looked shocked as he tried to meet her eyes. She could tell he wanted to look elsewhere.

She cocked her head at him, putting her hand on her hip.

"Swimming, silly. Don't you want to come?"

She shimmied her cut off shorts down her legs and smiled over her shoulder at him. The poor man looked thunderstruck as he took in her curves. His beer was tilted sideways as he stared at her long, tanned legs.

Kaylie laughed and ran towards the water. She'd never seen him looking anything but self assured. She doubted anyone ever had. He was the heir to the throne after all. He'd been born and bred to lead. He'd been the President since coming of age five years ago. Everyone knew that.

She ran into the water and dove in, ignoring the hooting and hollering all around her. The attention made her blush a bit, but it was all good natured and fun. No one said anything crass, they just cheered her on as she jumped into the lake.