"Your charms?"

She nodded sheepishly and he almost laughed. Kaylie might be shy about the way she looked or the effect she had on men, but he was not.

“You must know you are gorgeous.”

She shrugged and he knew instantly that she might have a hint, but she definitely did not know. Not about the way she made a man feel when he thought about having her, or even just looking at her.

Not a thing.

Her ‘charms’ were exceptional and certainly part of the reason he'd been drawn to her. She was way beyond pretty, with her big eyes and sweetheart lips. And her luscious body would put any celebrity to shame. Her long dark hair and silky skin made his hands itch to touch her.

He’d never had a type before but if he had, she would be it.

But that wasn't how he'd first noticed her. He’d had a much more important reason. In fact, he had started going to the diner because of Johnny.

"That's part of it. You are incredibly beautiful, Kaylie."

She looked doubtful at that. He tried not to laugh again. His girl was sheer perfection. Beautiful but not vain, naturally sexy without any artifice or vulgarity. She deserved an answer though, not flattery. He took a deep breath, hoping she wouldn't take this the wrong way.

"It started with Johnny."

"Johnny? The little boy who-"

He nodded. Johnny was mentally disabled. Sweet kid, industrious, even had a paper route. But he was special, and he'd had a hard time of it with the other kids making fun of him around the neighborhood.

He was just smart enough to know he was different. Being sensitive wasn’t a gift when you were different like he was. That was the hardest part of all to watch.

"Johnny was always talking about this pretty girl who gave him an extra scoop of ice cream at Mae's. The kid loved going to that place. He even got a second job so he could afford to go in twice a week."

Kaylie nodded, her huge eyes soft with the memory.

"He was a sweet boy. All I did was talk to him."

"It meant a lot to him, Kaylie. So after he died I went in there to have his favorite. In his honor."

She smiled sadly.

"Banana split with extra nuts."

"Right. And then this stunningly beautiful girl walks over and takes my order. I couldn't believe there was an angel like you in this town. I fell for you right there on the spot.”

“You did?”

He nodded solemnly.

“I did. Unfortunately, you were a little too young for me. So I had to wait."

"I still don't understand. You knew him well? Did he come around the clubhouse or something?"

"Yeah, he hung out there a lot. Johnny was my brother."

Her eyes got wide and she covered his gorgeous lips with her hand.

”I’m so sorry, Devlin. I didn't know. We were all so sad about what happened to him. Oh God-"

She stared at him. He could see she was finally putting the pieces together. Johnny and his mother had died in a car accident. He knew the instant she understood who he was and what he had lost that day.

"You lost your mother too… Oh God, I'm so sorry."

Chapter 11


He smiled at her softly, as if he really appreciated the words. As if they meant something. The big, strong man in front of her was much deeper than she had thought.

He had a big heart. She knew it without a doubt. Up to that moment, he’d been someone exciting and strange. In the space between a few heartbeats, she fell for him too.

"Thank you."

She inhaled trying to regain her equilibrium.

"So that's why you came in every week?"


He gave her a dark look that was full of meaning. It sent a thrill right through her. He was being more honest with her than anyone ever had before, other than her mother.

"I had to check up on you and see how you were doing.”


His smiled widened and he leaned in closer.

“I kept hoping you'd give me an extra scoop of ice cream but you never did."

He looked so sad for a minute that she laughed. He gave her a funny look.

"You've been waiting this whole time? That was almost two years ago!"


She blushed.

“For me?”

Chapter 12


“I couldn’t exactly ask you out when you were fifteen could I?”

She giggled and he felt a shot of lust go straight to his gut. Her laugh was so sweet and innocent… but not shrill or exaggerated like so many girls.

It was just… perfect. Everything about her was natural and sweet and real. He stroked the soft skin of her arm as he waited for her to answer him.

“I guess not.”

He knew what she was asking and he wasn't going to lie to her. She didn't need to know how many girls he'd had, or how many offers he'd turned down, including a couple of girls who'd wanted to fool around last night at the clubhouse after he'd dropped her off.