"Don't tell me you don't know."

"I'm not being coy, Devlin. I know you like me. I just don't know how many other girls get the royal treatment. There was a blond back there giving me evil looks. I don't want to step on someone else's territory."

He laughed.

"You are definitely not coy. Yes, I like you, if you want to call it that. No, there aren't any other girls. And no one has ever gotten the royal treatment before you. Ever."

She narrowed her eyes at him, undecided.

"Come here, Kaylie."

She stayed where she was, lifting her chin. He laughed again and was on her in a second, lifting her up and over his shoulder like she weighed less than a doll. She let out a squeal but that didn’t deter him.

He carried her back to the tree and leaned her against the rough bark. Then he leaned over her, boxing her in with his arms.

Her breath was coming fast and shallow as he leaned forward with a heavy lidded look in his eyes. She looked away, suddenly nervous. He lifted her chin with one hand, forcing her to meet his eyes.

What she saw there took her breath away. He wanted her. Even more than she realized. It was written all over his face.

"I know what I want and I go after it. I don't lie and I don't cheat. I'll take care of you if you let me, Kaylie."

Her mouth opened slightly at his proclamation.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

He just grinned and leaned forward, his mouth less than an inch from her ear. His breath fanned her sensitive skin, making her break out in goosebumps all over.

"I'm asking for a little more than that. I play for keeps."


Her whole body was tingling from his nearness. She was trembling a little bit she realized. She hoped he didn't notice. He kissed her ear and below it, nuzzling her neck deliciously with his soft lips.



Her voice sounded breathy, a ridiculous caricature of an easy woman to her ears. He kept kissing her neck, working back up to her ear.

"Is the answer yes?"

She could barely think but she managed to get out a shaky nod and a whispered yes. He lifted his head and smiled. He was staring down at her with a triumphant look on his face.

"Good. Because I wouldn't have left you alone anyway."

She should have been annoyed at that but she wasn't. He was heavy handed and bossy, but his fingers were so gentle as they stroked her cheek. She didn’t take offense at his words. Instead it sounded like a proclamation of something.

Something deep and true.

They both moaned as he finally kissed her, their breath commingling as they grasped each other desperately. He lifted her slightly, pushing her back into the tree trunk and pressing his body against hers. He wedged his narrow hips between her thighs. She gasped at the feeling of his hardness pressing into her belly.

Oh god, he wanted to…

She let out a loud squeak and froze up. He was laughing again as he pulled away, stroking her hair gently.

"No Kaylie I'm not going to try to do that in a public park."

"I knew that."

His stunning green eyes were warm and tender and knowing all at once.

"Did you?"

She just stared at him, hoping her breath would return to normal, hoping she'd get used to the whirlwind of emotions he created in her so easily. It was annoying, how easy it was for him to turn her upside down. She decided it was important that he didn't know the extent of the control he had over her body and senses.

She had to play it cool. It wouldn’t be easy, but she had to try. Otherwise he’d run away with her heart and she’d be left without it.

She had to try and trick the Devil.

Chapter 10


Devlin stared down at Kaylie. Her gorgeous breasts were heaving with excitement. Her innocence did something strange to him.

It made him feel like this was all new.

He wanted to toss her over his shoulder and carry her into the woods and have his way with her. He could imagine her writhing beneath him as he took her for the first time. She would be sweet and shy as he had his way with her six ways from Sunday.

In fact, he was sorely tempted to find a place- any place as long as it was nearby- to spend the rest of the day taking her. But he knew it wouldn't do. Kaylie was not the sort of girl you screwed in the woods or a parking lot.

Plus she still looked concerned about something, even though he'd kissed her senseless less than a minute before.

"Any other questions for me sweetheart?"

"Yes. I mean, just one."

"Go ahead."

"Why me? It can't just be my-"

He grinned and raised an eyebrow.