Though at the moment, I was tempted to kiss him too. After I kissed my bride, of course.

My lips swooped down to capture hers as she blinked at me in surprise. She’d probably never seen me move that fast. Hell, she’d probably never seen anybody move that fast.

I took my time, savoring the feeling of her pressed against me. Her soft lips. The silky skin of her neck, the silky hair under my hands as I held her still so I could kiss the living hell out of her. I slid my hands over her back and whispered, “is it too soon to leave?”

She laughed as I took her hand and escorted her back down the aisle to the area they’d set up for the party. I knew she thought I was joking. We took some photos while the rest of the party headed to the bar. The staff cleared away the chairs to prepare for dancing.

Hunter and Vice, and even Trace, were here. A few other Untouchables Parker had gotten to know through The Jar. No one from the Raisers, except Doc. I was still not sure what my continued leadership would look like, or if it was time to pass the baton. There were still some crazy fucks in the club, though, so I was tempted to stick around just to keep an eye on them.

I watched possessively as my wife took her solo photos. Parker looked stunning as she posed alone and then with her bridesmaids. She looked stunning as we posed for more couple portraits. She was radiant and blissfully happy. I, on the other hand, was having a hell of a time hiding my boner.

The small crowd erupted when I led Parker out for our first dance as man and wife. I groaned as our bodies brushed against each other. I was having a hard time controlling myself. I wanted to toss her over my shoulder and carry her away. This was a romantic moment though. I knew I couldn’t be a dog or Parker would get upset, even though it was her fault for keeping me perpetually turned on. I wasn’t about to ruin it for her just because I was a horny beast.

Preacher had been right about that much, at the very least.

We swayed in the center of the dance floor, with all our friends looking on. Our song was At Last, and the words hit home. My lonely days were finally gone, all thanks to the angel in my arms.

“Hello, Wife,” I said, my voice rough with emotion.

“Hello, Husband,” she replied with a shy smile.

“What are the chances we can sneak off early?”

“What? Why?”

“So I can be alone with you.” I pulled her against my hard-on. Bless her heart, she looked shocked. “I’ve missed you this week.”

“I missed you too.”

But I could tell she wanted to stay at the party. So damnit, I would have to wait. At least another hour, I decided, although I should probably give her two.

I just could not wait to make her mine, once and for all. And hopefully, we could even make a baby in the process.

Do not think about babymaking right now, you animal.

It was too late. I’d been hard before. But now my cock was like stone in my pants, pointing right at her. I was locked and fully loaded. After our dance, I handed Parker off to her friends. I grabbed a beer and went to get some air outside.

Cold air, I hoped. At least it was darker outside. All the better to hide the monster in my pants.

“Your wife is pure evil,” I said to Cain as I joined my friends on the terrace. I eyed the swimming pool, wondering if jumping in would calm my dick down.

Cain chuckled easily. It was hard to believe he was the same guy I’d known as an unrelenting hardass for all those years.

“I taught her well,” he said with a smirk. “It’ll be worth it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say that anticipation can be everything.”

Mason was grinning too.

“Think about nuns,” he said, slapping my back.

“And kittens,” Connor added.

“But kittens are soft and fluffy and they have another, sexier name . . .” I trailed off with a moan.

Now they were all laughing at me. Great. I turned and leaned on the railing to watch my bride. She was seated at one of the round tables. My wife was surrounded by all her girlfriends, holding a baby on her lap. I wasn’t even sure whose kid it was—there were so many running around in the wedding—but the sight filled me with awe.

She looked damned good with a baby. Naturally and beautifully maternal. She would be the perfect mother.

I let out a low whistle.

All those beautiful girls and children smiling and laughing, with my Parker at the center of them . . . well, it looked a lot like heaven.