Who knew that white could look so sinful?

It had been days since we’d slept together. The girls had kidnapped my bride earlier in the week, telling me it was ‘tradition’. Kelly had snickered and said something about making the wedding night extra-special.

I was pretty sure she had meant the now overly loaded weapon in my pants. I could actually feel the pressure of my unspent seed. Yeah, my balls were pretty much ready to blow just from looking at my bride. I was already getting hard, knowing the wedding night was hours away.

Some brides and grooms spent their wedding night partying with their guests. I was going to spend it humping the hell out of my wife.

I grinned at the thought. Wife. In about five minutes, this glorious woman was going to be my wife.

After today, I could hump her whenever I wanted. Provided she wanted to hump too, of course.

Thankfully, Parker seemed to want my crazy ass as much as I wanted her perfectly round one. Or almost as much. It wasn’t possible for an angel to be as pent up as a horny devil like me.

I took her hand when she got close, still unable to tear my eyes away. Preacher cleared his throat, and I finally looked at him as we turned to face him in unison.

“Friends, we are gathered here to today to witness the marriage of this gorgeous creature and this undeserving beast.”

I cracked a smile. I’d been expecting him to roast me. But he was right. The horny old bastard was right.

“This paragon of perfection, this angel who has fallen from heaven, has chosen to spend her life uplifting this degenerate man from wallowing in his own filth.”

I heard a snort as Connor tried not to laugh. He hadn’t had to go through one of Preacher’s ceremonies. He hadn’t had to watch the man hit on his bride like the rest of us. But he was one of my groomsmen anyway. And I was too damn happy to care that he was laughing at me.

Very soon, I was going to be fucking my wife. Tonight. All night. All day tomorrow too.

So much fucking.

I smiled ear to ear through the whole damn ceremony.

“Now, I don’t usually give advice, but today, I’ll make an exception. I don’t always know the bride and groom. Usually, it’s one or the other. But today, I have the privilege of knowing both this rare young beauty and the miscreant standing beside her.”

Parker squeezed my hand as I heard a few giggles from the bridesmaids. I definitely heard Payton let out a chortle.

“You, young lady, are very special. I want you to hold your head up high. You didn’t just survive the past few months. You helped the rest of us see what a good person this royal fuckup truly is. Don’t ever forget that. You are one of us now, and we look after our own. You don’t just have backup. Your backup has backup.”

Fuck, what is he doing? Is Preacher actually being nice?

I felt a lump rise in my throat as he continued, turning to ne.

“And Shane. What a piece of shit we all thought you were.”

Another snort, this time from Cain. Mason was shaking his head and smiling.

“A few of us” —he jerked his head toward Mason— “had an inkling that you might be more than a rabid dog, but not many. This young lady has made you a better man. Even in the face of tremendous adversity, you stood strong. I fucking respect that.”

I felt my eyes get a little moist. I cleared my throat. I noticed Preacher did the same.

“Now, on the other hand, if you ever displease this woman in the slightest, remember that I am here to take care of her. I’ll please her too,” he said with a wink. “An older man knows things,” he said, leering at my bride.

And there he was again, back in rare form. I laughed that time, along with everyone else.

“Now, I’ve been talking long enough. I just have one question for you, Parker. Do you want to marry this sonofabitch?”

From the looks of it, my bride was trying not to laugh and cry at the same time as she said, “I do.”

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. It was official. She was mine. She was truly mine.

“And you, you royal fuckup, tell us what we already know so the rest of us can on with our night. There is tequila that is begging to be drank and pretty women waiting to be danced with.”

“I do,” I said, grinning wide at the horny old goat.

He sighed tragically.

“Then I have no choice. By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now declare you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

I grabbed her before he could. I’d heard he liked to smooch the bride. Especially the pretty ones. He liked to crow something about caveat emperor, though Preacher was no king.