“Oh, no. No sleep just yet. I’m barely getting started.”

Chapter Forty


“You sure you want to do this?” Shane was helping me into the car, loading in my cane and a small cooler bag with drinks and snacks.

“Yes. I’m sure,” I reassured him for the twentieth time. He was worried about me, I knew. I hated that he worried. But at the same time, he made me feel safe.

He closed the door for me and walked around the car, climbing in and turning to face me. I looked at him in question.

“Are we going?”

“In a minute,” he said, his eyes all over me. “I just wanted to ask if you are sore.”


“I didn’t go easy on you yesterday. Or last night.” He slid his hand up my thigh. “Or this morning.”

I bowed my head, feeling embarrassed under his scrutiny. He was staring right at me, asking if my pussy was sore in the middle of the day. It was broad daylight, for goodness’ sake. I gave him an assessing look, belatedly realizing he might be enjoying making me blush.


He grinned wide, confirming my suspicions. He was doing this for his own nefarious purposes. It was deliberate.

“So? Did I make your pretty little pussy sore?”

Oh. My. God.

Why did hearing him talk like that turn me on so much?

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Was it my cock or my tongue that wore your juicy little pussy out?”

“Ohh . . . Shane!”

I buried my face in my hands so he wouldn’t see how flustered I was getting.

‘Which one was it, sweetheart? I know I worked you over pretty good.”

I felt his hand on my thigh, softly stroking me through my jeans.


“I hope you feel all better by tonight. I can’t wait to try again. There are so many positions I want to do with you.”


He grinned at me wickedly.

“Yes. The possibilities are endless. And then there’s temperature play. Ice and heat. Orgasm control. I could eat my dinner off your body like a plate and then lick it clean. Just imagine the possibilities.”

He put the car into drive and pulled out onto the main road. I stared into space, his words dancing in my head. So many wicked ideas. I couldn’t turn my mind off and my body was responding. Suddenly, I was tempted to ask him to turn around, go back, and show me what he’d been talking about.

“Are you imagining the possibilities, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” I admitted, my face bright red.

“Good,” he murmured, giving me a quick glance. “I want you ready for me tonight. I want you eager and squirming.”

“I really loved the sketches you sent. Thank you.”

I felt shy, sitting in a room with two huge guys looming over me. Like Shane, Callaway was physically intimidating. He was big and tall and literally covered in tats. And he had a rep that had reached all the way to our little town, both for his skill with an ink gun and his wild escapades. But Preacher had told us he was a big teddy bear now that he’d settled down.

And now that I’d met him, I believed it.

He asked about the techniques I’d used and we talked about drawing for a little while. Then he showed me his interpretation of my tattoo concept. My drawings had been rough. His was not.

I gasped, reaching out to touch it. An intricate and realistic but brightly-colored drawing of wildflowers. It looked like a patch you might stumble into in a clearing in the woods. It looked so lifelike, I wanted to lean forward and sniff it.

He was a way, way better artist than I was.

“It’s perfect.”

He grinned.

“Molly liked it, too.” He winked at Shane. “Molly is my wife.”

“You’re sure you want to do this, Parker? It’s gonna hurt.”

Shane had his arms crossed over his chest. I could tell he was not happy about letting Callaway touch me, even in such an impersonal way as giving a tattoo. I also thought that he was annoyed that Callaway was almost as pretty as he was.

The two of them were very, very pretty. In an uber-masculine way, of course. I decided he needed a little reassurance, so I crossed the room and slid my arms around him.

“I’m sure.”

I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and lay back in the chaise.

“Let’s do this,” I said to Callaway. I rolled to my side and pulled my shirt up under my armpit. “Is this enough?”

“Yeah, that’s good. Give me a second. I want to make sure I have all the colors ready for shading.”

I lay perfectly still and watched Shane scowl at Callaway. Meanwhile, Call had no idea, because he was working behind my shoulder. He had everything ready in a couple of minutes. First, he cleaned my skin with alcohol, which felt icy cool. I heard the buzz of the tattoo gun and closed my eyes.