I gave them a conspiratorial smile.

“Which sounds like fun, if you ask me.”

They giggled as I turned the ignition and pulled out into the road.

I couldn’t stop smiling, already imagining the fireworks coming out of Mason’s ears when we walked in. I was practically rubbing my hands together with glee in anticipation.

Like I told Michelle, it was his own damn fault.

Chapter Twenty-Five


“Nobody should ever be this pregnant.”

Cassie moaned, her hand on her belly. I shook my head, popping a flakey little square into my mouth. The food was good. I nursed a beer. I’d only have one since I was driving the girls home later.

“Hmmm, that’s good… it tastes like… cheese?”

“You like? Connor’s been baking.”

I choked back a laugh which earned me a glare from the kitchen. Con was in fact, wearing an apron as he served snacks and drinks to the party goers. Kelly still lived at home with their mom, so that’s where the party was.

Con looked right at home in the pristine suburban mid-century home. He should, since he grew up here. Come to think of it, he also looked at home in the rustic but luxurious cabin Cass and he lived in, all the way up in the hills.

He looked kind of at home at the Mason Jar too.

The man was a damned chameleon.

We exchanged dirty looks and went back to ignoring each other.

I liked the sonofabitch, but I’d never tell him that. Had to keep him on his toes so he didn’t start slacking with my little girl. I caught her hiding a smile and realized she was onto me.

“He likes you too.”

I puffed my chest out.

“Course he does. The man is not an complete idiot.”

She laughed and then groaned, holding her belly. She really was about to pop. She bitched and moaned but I knew she was happy as a clam.

“Did you guys work things out then?”

“He’s been home constantly. He makes sure he’s there to tuck me in every night. And he checks in during the day.” She leaned in to whisper. “There was another murder.”

I nodded solemnly, deciding not to mention the club girls.

“I know.”

I thought about my goddaughter Daniella, who was tucked upstairs for the night. I realized I might need a bigger place. As the de facto Grandpa, I should be able to host sleepovers too.

The door opened and I heard Kelly’s voice. People shouted happy birthday and rushed to hug her. But I wasn’t looking at her.

I was looking at the vision in the doorway behind her.

Michelle stood there, wearing the new clothes I’d got her. The most revealing of all the new clothes I’d gotten her. My mouth dried up and my heart started racing as I looked over those long, flawlessly curvy legs and up to her hourglass figure. She was on the tall side, so you didn’t notice right away, but she was stacked.

And oh God… her face… cherry red lips that I wanted to taste, and even some smudgy stuff on her eyes that made them pop and sparkle. Her hair was down and styled so she looked like a Goddess.

She looked like trouble.

I growled as every male gaze in the room swiveled to stare at her except Con. He was busy bringing over another plate of food to his wife.

Men started gravitating towards the doorway as Paton dragged her mother inside.


The thought pulsed through my head again.


I was on my feet and crossing the room before I even blinked.


I wanted to tear the skimpy clothes off her. I wanted to bury my hands in her hair and kiss her for days. I wanted to do a whole hell of a lot more than that.

But I didn’t do any of those things. Instead I grasped her arm and marched her back out of the house and onto the front porch.

“Mason? What are you doing?”

I let go of her and grit my teeth. My cock was pulsing with need and I hadn’t even kissed her yet.


“What the hell are you doing?”

She frowned, looking confused.

“Going to a party?”

“Not dressed like that you’re not.”

That set her off. She crossed her arms over her generous chest, which only made her cleavage deeper. I licked my lips as she lifted her chin to glare at me. Dear lord, she looked even prettier than usual when she was mad.

“Oh really? Are you my father now?”

“What? No, of course not. But you are not stepping foot in there.”

“Kelly invited me. Not you.”

I ran my hand through my hair, not sure why I was having such a hard time telling her what needed to happen.

“I’ll take you home. You can change. And then we’ll come back.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s twenty minutes away!”

“You are the one who looks ridiculous!”

She froze, her pretty lips parted in surprise. Then her eyes darted away. But not before I saw the hurt I’d caused.