“You can eat something now if you want. Lunch can get kind of busy. Shorty makes great eggs”

I nodded. That would be perfect. Paton had ate well last night but getting her something now would really take the edge off.

“Thank you. That would be great.”

I hurried to the back. Shorty smiled at me.

“Glad we didn’t scare you off. What’ll you have?”

“Mason said something about eggs…”

“You got it. I make killer hash browns too. You want?”

I nodded eagerly and again when he mentioned toast. I opened my mouth to tell him I wanted it to go but he beat me to it.

“Let me guess, you want to eat in your car, right?”

“Thanks Shorty.”

Mason was right. Lunch did get busy. And the crowd was different than it had been last night. Locals and bikers yes, but also a group of businessmen and a couple of families with small kids.

I was motoring, not starving for once, even though I’d given Paton most of the food again. I had so much to make up for. But I would do it, dammit.

All I needed was a few bites anyway.

Paton was happy as a clam with her belly full of food and her favorite book on her lap. It was even warm enough to keep the windows open. And she said she liked looking at the field that opened up just past the line of trees out back.

I still worried, of course. I’d been worrying about her since the moment that little line turned blue. But things were looking up.

For the first time in a long time, I was happy.

Until she walked in.

A gorgeous brunette with glowing skin, luxurious hair and a huge belly. A huge, pregnant belly. How she looked so good so late in the game was beyond me. I’d been swollen and miserable in the last trimester.

But this girl looked like she was a model. Not the gawky odd looking fashion model type. The kind that sold shampoo or expensive jewelry. She was stunning.

And she walked right into Mason’s arms. He held her tight and pressed a kiss to her forehead. I couldn’t help it. I might have only known him for two days, but I felt something fierce and unwelcome in my belly.


He showed her to a table and started waiting on her hand and foot. I knew it was none of my damn business that Mason had a woman and was about to become a daddy. That was nice. That was how it should be.

But I didn’t like it, all the same.

And then he waved me over.

I grit my teeth and walked towards the smiling young woman. Wouldn’t you know it? She hugged me too.

“You are a lifesaver!”

“I am?”

She sat down, smiling conspiratorially at me.

“Mason was going to lose his mind. His waitresses kept up and quitting on him!”

I shot a worried glance to Mason.

“No, it’s not his fault. Look, I’ve scared her! I’m Cassie. I used to be you!”

I was having trouble following her, but she was so effervescent I couldn’t help but like her. The woman talked fast. I tried to keep up.



Mason’s tone was amused but something else. He sounded… almost parental.

“Actually a lot of people around here still call me Casey. That was the name I used when I ran away from foster care. Mason took me in and raised me.”

I glanced at Mason. He was her guardian? I felt relief wash through me.

“Great job, I did. Until he swooped in and defiled you.”

Cassandra giggled. I almost did too. I wasn’t sure I should be laughing at my boss though, even though he looked adorably disgruntled.

“Connor did not defile me. Well, I mean, he did. He handcuffed me to a bed! But he married me too.”

I nodded, realizing that I was getting the gist of what was happening, even though her style of storytelling was… unique.

“It’s slowing down if you want to get some grub.”

I glanced around.

“You can eat with us if you want!”

Mason looked at me. He must have caught my panicked expression, even though I tried to hide it. It was hard to hide anything with my face. I was so fair that if I blushed, I looked like I was holding apples in front of my cheeks.

“She prefers eating in her car.”

“But why?”

“I’m reading a book.”

She nodded sagely.

“That’s a wild animal thing. You don’t like people staring while you eat, right?” She gave Mason a pointed look. “And I’m sure lots of people do.”

He stood up abruptly.

“I’ll put your order in, Michelle. What do you want?”

“Grilled cheese with tomato?”

“Anything else?”

“I really like the chili.”

He gave me the thumbs up. I realized chili might be a bad idea. If Paton had to do more than pee, we were going to have a problem.

He walked brusquely away.

“You fit right in. And you’re the prettiest waitress he’s ever had.”